Sep 10, 1185
KAMAKURA period begins
The Kamakura period began with Minamoto no Yorimoto establishing the Kamakura Shogunate in 1192 in Kamakura. -
Period: Sep 10, 1185 to
feudel japan
Sep 11, 1185
minimoto clan sezies power
minimoto clan sezies power -
Sep 10, 1192
yoritomo was given the title shogun and led the government known as shogunate -
Sep 10, 1274
kublai khan and the mongols
kublai khan and the mongols try to invade japan -
Sep 12, 1274
first mongolian invasian
Sep 12, 1274
2nd mongolian invasion
Sep 10, 1330
Ashikaga clan seized power -
Sep 12, 1333
emporor Go-daigo overthrows the karakuru government
Sep 12, 1348
rivalry between emperors
emperors fight over power -
Sep 12, 1368
shogun ashikoga yoshimitsu
Sep 12, 1467
cival war errupts in japan
cival war errupts in japan wich is spplit among feudal lords -
Sep 12, 1549
saint francis xavier
saint francis xavier arrives in japan -
Togukawa leyasu gets title of shogun by an emprorer -
leyasu bans christianity
leyasu bans christianity from Japan