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    History of Federalism

  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    The Articles of Confederation had no central government making states have all the power.
  • Constitutional Convention

    Constitutional Convention
    Organized a central government to have power of the states.
  • Supremacy Clause

    Supremacy Clause
    Said that all laws of the federal government were the law of the land and nothing had power of them.
  • Federal Income Tax

    Federal Income Tax
    It is stated in the Constitution that the government has the right to set an income tax. By doing this the government recieves income.
  • 10th Amendment

    10th Amendment
    Gives any power not stated in the Constitution to the States.
  • Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

    Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
    They stated that the states could declare acts of Congress unconstitutional if they were against the Constitution through nullification.
  • Fletcher v. Peck

    Fletcher v. Peck
    It was the first case in which the Supreme Court declared a state law unconstitutional
  • McCulloch v. Maryland

    McCulloch v. Maryland
    It stopped Maryland from taxing the Second Bank of the United States. It clarified that Congress had the power to establish a bank.
  • Gibbons v. Ogden

    Gibbons v. Ogden
    It gave Congress the right to control interstate commerce.
  • Cooley v. Board of Wardens

    Cooley v. Board of Wardens
    The Supreme Court ruled that a Pennsylvania law that required ships in Philadelphia to hire a local pilot was legal and didn't violate the Commerce Clause.
  • Dred Scott v. Sandford

    Dred Scott v. Sandford
    The case decided that Congress couldn't ban slavery in territories giving territories the right to own slaves.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    It showed that the federal government had the power to hold all the states together and that states could not simply secede.
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    It overruled the Dred Scott decision and said that blacks could be citizens. It stated that states could not deprive people of life, liberty, or property.
  • Sherman Antitrust Act

    Sherman Antitrust Act
    Gave the government the power to break up trusts and monopolies.
  • Pure Food and Drug Act

    Pure Food and Drug Act
    The federal government had the power to inspect food and drugs to make sure they weren't harmful.
  • 16th Amendment

    16th Amendment
    Gives Congress the right to use income tax without needing to divide it amongst states or basing it on the Census.
  • Hoke v. United States

    Hoke v. United States
    Said that Congress couldn't regulate prostitution.
  • Women's Voting

    Women's Voting
    Congress gave the power of voting to women.
  • Gitlow v. New York

    Gitlow v. New York
    Ruled that Fourteenth Amendment affected more than just federal laws but went to state laws too.
  • New Deal

    New Deal
    Gave the Federal Government programs such as FDIC and FHA to help the country get out of the Great Depression.
  • Korematsu v. United States

    Korematsu v. United States
    Ruled that the government could legally send Japanese Americans to internment camps.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    Said that state laws creating seperate schools for white and black was unconstitutional.
  • Wesberry v. Sanders

    Wesberry v. Sanders
    It changed how the House was set up reducing the number of representatives from rural areas.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    Outlaws major forms of discrimination against African Americans and women. This stops the southern states from abusing them and controlling voting from them.
  • State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act

    State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act
    Provided money for states to split between the state and municipal governments.
  • Cabell v. Chavez-Salido

    Cabell v. Chavez-Salido
    Said that a state law against aliens taking probation officer jobs was legal.
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Americans with Disabilities Act
    Gave Americans with disabilities more rights and forced states to have certain standards for people with disabilities.
  • New York v. United States

    New York v. United States
    Declared that the "Take Title" part of the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act was unconstitional and went past Congress's power.
  • Law Enforcement Assisstance Act

    Law Enforcement Assisstance Act
    Allowed police officers and intelligence agencies to wiretap people legally.
  • 104th Congress

    104th Congress
    Started the process of devolution by giving more powers back to states by trying to make Medicaid, welfare, child care, child protective services block grants to the states and making them responsible.
  • United States v. Lopez

    United States v. Lopez
    This case limited Congress's powers from the Commerce Clause
  • Printz v. United States

    Printz v. United States
    Said that commanding chief commanding officers of local jurisdiction to perform background checks was unconstitutional.
  • Alden v. Maine

    Alden v. Maine
    Stated that Congress could not allow nonconsenting states to be sued by individuals.
  • Reno v. Condon

    Reno v. Condon
    Stated that the Driver's Privacy Protection Act of 1994 was legal under the Commerce Clause.
  • September 11

    September 11
    The government created many new rules to help protect the people of America from another attack.
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    Gave states the power to set a standard in their education.
  • Nevada Department of Human Resources v. Hibbs

    Nevada Department of Human Resources v. Hibbs
    Held that the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 was legal.