
Famous Scientist Acheivements

By zke69
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    Empedocles Philosphy

    He stated his views that the world is is due to the mixing of seperation of four parts Earth, air fire and water.
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    Democritus and Leucippus found the first Atomic Theory

    they thought that the world consisted of myraids of tiny particles called atoms
  • John Dalton, Formation of the Atomic Theory

    in 1803 John discoveredthe law of multiple proportions
  • Joesph Thomson, Raisin Bread theory

    this theory related Raisin bread by negatively charged electons(the raisins) were sprinckled inside a nucleus of positive and neutral charges (the bread)
  • Hantaro Nagaoka

    1908 started testing his theory that was incorrect on planetary model of an atom
  • John Thomson wins Nobel Prize in Physics

  • Robert Millikan verified Einsteins Photoelectric equation

  • Lord Erenest Rutherford, Gold Foil Experiment

    He tested Thomsons Plum Pudding model. He did this by shooting energetic alpha particles at foil, he measured the angle of the particles as they came out of the other end
  • Niels Bohr energy levels of electrons quantized

    founded the bohr model
  • Lord Ernest Rutherford was Knighted

  • Erwin Shrodinger, Published his first thoughts on the Quantum Theory

    Won the Nobel Prize in 1920
  • Max Planck, dicovered Quantum Theory

    He discovered Quantum Theory, and won Nobel Prize In Physics
  • Robert Millikan, Dicovered the charge of an electron

    Won the Nobel Prize for Physics
  • Creation of the Institute of Theoretical Physics

    founded by Niels Bohr
  • HeisenBerg Uncertainty Principle

    fundamental limit on the accuracy with which certain pairs of physical properties of a particle, such as position and momentum, cannot be simultaneously known
  • Louis de Broglie Quantum theory

    discovery of electron diffraction by crystals.
  • Sir James Chadwick, Discoverery of The Neutron

    won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1935
  • Joesph Thomson publised Autobiography

    He also published Structure of Light(1907) Into Chemistry(1923)
  • Heisenberg Captured

    arrested by Colonel Pash at Heisenberg's retreat in Urfeld
  • Aristotle and plato

    he was a student of plato. he found out four causes of objects. 1 what it is made of? 2. the efficient the maker of things. 3. the patter. 4 the purpose
  • Period: to
