Famous Dead Guy

  • 322

    Aristotle 322 B.C.

    He didn't have and experiment.
    His main contribition was that he didn't believe in the atomic theory.
  • 460

    Democritas 460 B.C-370 B.C

    He had no experiment.
    His main contribute was that atoms were distructable. Also thought of the idea of the atom.
  • Jan 2, 600

    Thales of Miletus 600 B.C.

    No experiment.
    Main contribute was that everything is made out of something.
    He had no model.
  • Sir Isaac Newton 1704

    He didn't have an experiment.
    His main contribute was that all atoms moved around, they where really small.
  • John Dalton 1803

    He didn't have an experiment.
    His main contribute was that he came up with the atomic theory
  • Becqueral 1896

    His main contribute was that he discovered Radioactivity.
  • J.J. Thompson 1897

    His main contribute was that he discovered the electron
  • Robert Millikan 1908-1917

    His main contribute was determining the charge and mass of an electron.
  • Bohr 1915

    His main contribute was that he discovered that electrons and atoms are in orbits, but electrons are on a fixed path.
  • Francis Aston 1922

    His main contribute was that he discovered the Isotopes.
  • James Chadwick 1932

    His main contributw was he came up with the electron.
  • Schrodinger 1962

    His main contribute was the math equation how to discribe the probabitility of where an electron will be.