Eyewitness to History

  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    The Viet Cong launched a large scale attack upon the Embassy in Saigon.
  • Watergate Break in

    Watergate Break in
    Richard Nixon was caught trying to cover up watergate, which was attempted theft of the watergate complex in DC.
  • The Fall of Saigon

  • Jimmy Carter Enters Office

    Jimmy Carter Enters Office
    The President, later winning a Nobel Peace Prize, is inaugurated this year. I'm unsure of the exact date.
  • John lennon Dies

    John lennon Dies
    John Lennon was shot in the street.
  • Challenger Disaster

    Challenger Disaster
    The Space Shuttle Challenger was destroyed after takeoff. It was a freak accident. A chunk of insulation fell off of a part of the shuttle, causing the explosion
  • Inauguration of President Reagan

    Inauguration of President Reagan
    The beginning of Ronald Reagan's presidency. He went on to deal with the economy and much of the Cold War.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Fall of the Berlin Wall
    Marking a part of the end of the Cold War, the Berlin Wall fell, returning East and West Germany.
  • The Persian Gulf War

    The Persian Gulf War
    The Persian Gulf War is also known as the Iraqi War, or Desert Storm. It was against Iraq, by the UK for Iraq's annexation of Kuwait.
  • 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

    9/11 Terrorist Attacks
    The 9/11 incident was a series of four suicide terrorist attacks upon the United States. These were the WTC attacks and the attack upon the Pentagon, as well as Flight 93.