Ex 13 Contemporary

By akemisl
  • Vladímir Lenin

    Vladímir Lenin
    Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars (Sovnarkom) and informal leader of the Bolsheviks from its inception.33 He was leader of the Soviet Socialist Soviet Republic from 1917 and leader of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) from 1922 to his death.34
  • Alekséi Rýkov

    Alekséi Rýkov
    lost de facto control over the country to the Communist Party and Stalin in the 1920s.
  • Iósif Stalin

    Iósif Stalin
  • Gueorgui Malenkov

    Gueorgui Malenkov
  • Nikita Jrushchov

    Nikita Jrushchov
    1955​ – 1964. He served as First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and President of the Council of Ministers from March 27, 1958 until October 14, 1964. While on vacation in Abkhazia, Khrushchev was called by Leonid Brézhnev to requested his return to Moscow for a special meeting of the Presidium
  • Leonid Brézhnev

    Leonid Brézhnev
    En of time of Nikita Jrushchov, now Leonid. Took his country to the brink of economic collapse
  • Yuri Andropov.

    Yuri Andropov.
    End of time as a Leader of Leonid. Now Yuri Andropov.Only prolonged the economic standstill that was headed toward decline.
  • Konstantin Cherenkov

     Konstantin Cherenkov
    End of time as a Leader of Andropov. Now Konstantin Cherenkov. By that time time, the economic decline was already in march and was at a very advanced stage.
  • Mijail Gorbachov 1990-1991

     Mijail Gorbachov 1990-1991
    Was a reformist leader that the founded his politics on two great pillars called Perestroika and Glasnos.Perestroika proposed the restructuring of the economy and the other being Glasnost, a proposal to create a free political system with openness and transparency.Despite these reformist efforts, the Soviet economy continued to decline and the countries of the Communist Bloc began showing discontent.The day after Gorbachev's resignation as President, the Soviet Union was officially dissolved.