Evolution of PopArt

  • Andy Warhol is born

    Andy Warhol is born
    He was born in Pittsburgh. His parents were immigrants from eastern Slovakia.
  • Enters The Carnegie Institute of Technology

    Enters The Carnegie Institute of Technology
    He enrolls in the Department of Painting and Design.
  • Experimentation

    While in school, Andy begins experiementing with blotted line drawings which later becomes his popular, more commercial works.
  • First Paintings

    First Paintings
    Begins to paint his first works that were based off of comics and advertisements. He used a projector then traced with paint.
  • Famous Famous

    Famous Famous
    Here comes his most recognized work. His portraits of Marilyn Monroe, and his Campbell Soup Can prints. During this time, he also was inspired by suicides and car crashes. All of these were then displayed in the TIME Magazine this year.
  • Films

    Andy begins to explore his interests as a film maker. He later creates hundreds of hours of mainly home footage which he loved. His style and vision was hard to understand but was nonetheless brilliant.