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Evolution of Media Timeline

  • 3300 BCE

    Hieroglyphics and Papyrus

    Hieroglyphics and Papyrus
    Hieroglyphics is one of the earliest forms of writing. In Ancient Egypt it was used to record information. Papyrus was a tool often used with hieroglyphics to write things down.
  • Newspaper

    Newspaper may becoming an outdated form of information, but for centuries it served as a big portion of information. Europe first received newspaper in 1609
  • Libraries

    The first public library was founded by Ben Franklin and helped start spread information through America as more started to pop up.
  • Telegraph

    The telegraph was one of the first forms of quick communication. It allowed information to be sent from one place to another through an underground line. It required a special person to read the telegraph.
  • Telephone

    Another form of quick communication is the telephone. The telephone allowed you to call people miles away from you in less than a minute.
  • Radio

    For the most part information in the past was primarily text with maybe a picture, if you’re lucky. When the radio was invented it allowed radio stations to spread information through voice. This also created the possibility of speeches on the radio.
  • Movies with Audio

    Movies with Audio
    “The Jazz Singer” was one of the first movies which included audio. These movies were labeled “talkies” as movies were typically mute with background music.
  • TV

    TV allowed people to enjoy movies at the comfort of their own home. News stations popped up as well as commercials advertising things in between shows. The first transmission was in 1927
  • Audiocassettes

    Audiocassettes or cassettes helped allow music to be played anywhere or on the move. Before most music could only be played out of things like record players.
  • Computers

    The first computer “The Altair” was used at home, the first of its kind. Before most computers weighed tons and were used to solve complex equations. The personal computer allowed for more access to the internet.