
Evolution of Democracy

  • Jan 1, 1200

    The Code of King Hammurabi, 1772 BC

    The Code of King Hammurabi, 1772 BC
    Early written document containing some of the very first ideas of democracy. It stated that if a man chops another`s hand off, he will be hewn off as well. So, if a man commits a crime, he shall be punished similarily because the king`s people were equal in his eyes.
  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    Passed by King John I of England, it allowed victims of the law to judged by his peers within a jury. Also, witnesses were needed before proven guilty, and the victim has the right to a lawyer.
  • Period: Jun 15, 1215 to

    Evolution of Democracy

  • John Locke: Concerning Civil Government

    John Locke: Concerning Civil Government
    Philosophy, written by John Locke' that provides opinions about slavery. Reads that no man should be put under the authority of a superior power and that he should only let the laws of nature rule him.
  • Declaration Of The Rights Of Man

    Declaration Of The Rights Of Man
    This statement was approved by the National Assembly of France. Opinions about democracy include that the natural rights of a man has no limits if enjoyed by other members of society. Also, the limits are ultimately decided by law.
  • Amendment XV to Constitution of the U.S

    Amendment XV to Constitution of the U.S
    Allowed any citizen (at this time, male) of any race, colour, or previous condition of servitude to vote in the U.S. African-American men were given the right to vote; this was a contreversial proposal.
  • New Zealand Election Act

    New Zealand Election Act
    With this act, women were given the freedom to vote in New Zealand. With this, New Zealand became the first democratic country to allow women to vote. This acheivement was reached through the great efforts of suffragge campaigners, whom were led by Kate Sheppard.
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    Universal Declaration of Human Rights
    Written by the UN, this guaranteed the rights of everyone on the planet. Created after WWII in caution to never have abrupt acts of conflict like that ever again. Included in the human rights is Article 2, which reads, “Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.”.
  • European Member States

    European Member States
    The rules that permit a country to join the European Union include the rule that the country must be a democratic, free market government, and have a respect for the rule of law. The EU has expanded since 1957, with the latest addition being Croatia in 2013.