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evolution of cinema

  • George Eastman

    George Eastman
    In the evolution of cinema include GEORGE EASTMAN who in 1888 invented the emulsion on a celluloid film. It was a transparent, manageable and resistant perforated film 35 mm.
  • Thomas A. Edison

    Thomas A. Edison
    Fue THOMAS A. EDISON quién creo el Kinetoscopio, una máquina que impulsada por electricidad mostraba las maravillas registradas a un espectador a la vez. Esto permitía por primera vez la proyección de una película.
  • Lumiere Brothers

    Lumiere Brothers
    The Lumiere brothers are building a practical device in 1895: Cinematograph, camera and projector simultaneously.
  • Georges Méliès

    Georges Méliès
    By 1896 people were starting to get bored of the same projections. It was then with his wit, magic tricks, sleight of hand and stage sets, Georges Méliès became the theater show.
    Although not the first to feature films, it is historically recognized as the father of cinematic spectacle and cinematic fiction.

    Albert Smith, James Williamson and Alfred Collins, members of the "School of Brighton" in allusion to the coastal town where they started their activities-were pioneers in the development of several key techniques of narrative cinema
  • Warner

    Warner BROS. In 1920 it was very small, so was subject to large producers, especially at Paramount. They decided to conduct a campaign of short films with sound, not spoken, to put in front of his B movies and attract more audiences to their theaters. She was commissioned the system to the AT & T, along with patented Western Electric Vitaphone, that synchronized audio discs with bovine image. The problem is that it was very difficult to synchronize feature films and shorts that were better. Thes
  • fox

    William Fox thought it would be interesting if they had also sound their news, which they did after 1925. They turned to AT & T for desarrollase them another patent, the Movietone. This was an optical system which was recorded on the film itself and it was lighter because I had to be feasible for reporters. Was a cheapening in transportation, distribution, display ... and most importantly, the sync was perfect.
  • Warner

    Between 1924 (system developers) and 1927, when the film is released, could have monopolized the market, but it was not; only managed to take the lead.
  • warner

    In 1927 the big producers decided to make industrial espionage to Warner, which had decided to just talkies. Paramount, Metro Goldwin Mayer and United artisits meet in a council to study the situation and handle an audit. For this a committee of experts is created among the most important in Hollywood and in the same year also created the Film Academy people.
  • sound

    Most rooms required their production and distribution equipment for the exhibition of talkies. Between 1928-1930 implantation sound became gradually. In 1930 he went on to become exponentially and every room has a sound equipment.
  • sound

    Decade 30: still uses the optical system
  • sound

    40s: Disney develops the stereo film Fantasia.
  • Monumental Histories:

    Monumental Histories: great books where the author tries to reflect and collect all the films were written. Occur until age 50 and remain outdated because movies are now boundless, and the author can not analyze them all.
  • color

    Color: shown in 30 (The Wizard of Oz and Gone with the Wind) but in 50 when developed. One of their techniques is the Technicolor, Herbert invented by German Klaus. Its characteristic is that the colors are very saturated and shoot requires much more light to impress the 3 films he works with, which means more time and money.
  • sound

    50s: in Germany you start to use the magnetic sound for movies, but it was an economic disaster even though the quality was very good. Arises a new system that seeks greater spectacle, This Is Cinerama.
  • Free cinema

    Between 1956 and 1959 comes the free cinema, led by Anderson, in response to the young.
  • sound

    60s: Ray Dolby invents the Dolby Surround system
  • General Histories:

    General Histories: 50-60 years appear in the model and are the best known
  • sound

    1982: George Lucas invented THX System.
  • sound

    1990: start developing digital audio systems.