Everyday Democracy's timeline

By cboron
  • Owning an issue

    Owning an issue
    Paul J. Aicher participates in the Ford Foundation’s Fund for Adult Education—“study-discussion” groups on political, economic, and international affairs, and humanities topics. It is his first experience with “owning an issue for himself.”
  • Shifting from business to philanthropy

    Paul Aicher founds Topsfield Foundation, Inc., after selling Technical Materials Inc., his company in Rhode Island. “My father came to visit me in the early 80s, and asked what I thought of him selling the company he founded, leaving business, and pursuing his interest in social change and what he then dimly conceived of as a philanthropic future. In graduate school, studying literature, I thought it was a good idea and told him why: Over the years, he’d gotten used to being the boss, and