
Events of the Cold War

  • The Use of The Atomic Bomb

    The Use of The Atomic Bomb
    After the use of the atomic bomb three days earlier on hershema Japan the tension was buliding between the United States and the Soviet Union it set off an arms race to see who could build the mostr Neuclear weapons.
  • Gouzenko Affair

    Gouzenko Affair
    Igor Gouzenko, was the cipher clerk for the soviet embacy in Canada. He defected on September the fifth, with over 109 doccuments from the soviet union containing information of espionage in the west.
  • Founding of the United Nations

    Founding of the United Nations
    On june 26th 1945 a charter was signed to for the United nations with 51 orignal member states, Poland later joined following came China, the Soviet Union, France ect. To this day the formationthe UN is selberated annually.
  • Formation of NATO

    Formation of NATO
    In the year 1949 it was seen there could be a large expansion of communism. This, prompted The United States Canada and 10 other nations to form the North Atlantic Treaty Organization aka NATO. The Soviet Untion was excluded and was not allowed to join the group.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    The Korean War began when some 70,000 North Korean troops poured across the boundrt speerating the western back South Korea and the Communist backed North Korea. By July the Untied Sated had troops on the ground fighting on the side of South Korea. The United States saw this as an opportunity to fight a War aginst the internationl communist revolutiuon and so began the Korean War.
  • The Warsaw Pact

    The Warsaw Pact
    some my argue that the creation of the Warsaw Pact was a direct responce lead by the Soviet Union just a mere five year after the creation of NATO where countries with communistic views were banned from joining such as the USSR. Similar to Nato the Warsaw Pact was set up for group corridinated defencive moves with their member countries.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    The Vietnam War was directly realted to the events of the Cold War, the United States was afraid of the spread of communisim across south east asia and in an effort to stop the spread of communism the United States declared war on Vietnam.
  • Suez Crisis

    Suez Crisis
    The Suez Crisis was a planned invasion of Egypt in late 1956 by Isreal then follewed by Britan and France, their goal was to remove the Egyptian president Nasser. all three of the allies were forced to leave under direct order from the United Nations, U.S. and USSR rendering the canal useless.
  • Formation of NORAD

    Formation of NORAD
    NORAD or as most know it be the Nothe American Air Deffence Agreement. NORAD was a joint effort betweent the americans and Canadians tracking and radar stations were set up in Canadas far north because, it was belived that the Soviets were to launch an attack it was thougth that the mostl likely route of travel would be over Canada and to the U.S. This dd not happen, instead the Soviets placed launch loctions on Cuba where Reagan launched an offenceve attack on Cuba.
  • Cancellation of the Avro Arrow

    Cancellation of the Avro Arrow
    The Avro Arrow aka the CF-105 was one of the greates achivements in Canadian aerospace enginering, it was the fastest aircraft in th air at its time designed to track down enemy missiles and shoot them down. The need for the CF-105s became more and more irrelivant due to ne advancements in long range missiles rendering the jets useless, the cost of the jets rose form 2 million to a staggering 12 million dollars! The government and the company scraped the idea and all prototypes soon after.
  • The Cuban Missle Crisis

    The Cuban Missle Crisis
    During the events of the cold war, the U.S. and the USSR had a 13 day military political standoff over the installment of nucular armed Soviet missiles. President JFK at the time ordered a bockade of naval vessles around the island of Cuba showing that the U.S. was willing to use military force to neutralize the problem, instead the JFK signed a doccument that stated that the soviets would remove the neuclear war heads if the U.S. promised not to invade Cuba.
  • SALT Treaty

    SALT Treaty
    On may 26th, it was the first time the U.S. and the Soviets got together and signed a treaty which would bound each country to hold only a certain number of neuclear missiles.
  • The Stritigic Defence Initiative

    The Stritigic Defence Initiative
    on March 23rd 1983 the Stritigic Defence Initiative was launched also know as Star Wars. Under the order of president Reagan the intent of the program was to create a anti-bilistic missile defence system to defend against missile attacks coming from other countries in spific the Soviet Union.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Fall of the Berlin Wall
    on August 13th, 1961, the communist government of the German Democratic Republic began to build a wall to sperate east and west berlin, but its main pourpose was to serve a a barrier to keep facist westerners from entering east berlin, the wal, stoood until the 9th of november 1989, this was seen around the world to be a great fall for communism.
  • Breakup of the Soviet Union

    Breakup of the Soviet Union
    On December 25th 1991, Gorbachevs' political carrer was over, he announced his resignation on television and by the wnd of the year the USSR had fallen. The Soviet Union was nothing but a long memory.