
Events of the Cold War

  • Chinese Revolution

    Who: CCP (nationalist party) PRC (peoples republic of China)
    What: October 1, 1949, Chinese communist leader Moa Zedong declared the creation of the PRC. The announcement ended the costly full-scale civil war between the CCP and the KMT, which broke out immediately following WWII and had been preceeded by on and off confict between the two sided since the 1920’s The creation of the PRC also completed the long process of government upheaval in china begun by the Chinese Revolution of 1911. The
  • Chinese Revolution

    How: Moa shut down school in return caused the Red Guard to form. This later caused a personality cult (similar to what happened to joseph stalin) Some 1.5 million people were killed during the Cultural Revolution, and millions of others suffered imprisonment, seizure of property, torture or general humiliation. The Cultural Revolution's short-term effects may have been felt mainly in China's cities, but its long-term effects would impact the entire country for decades to come. Mao's large-scale
  • Korean War

    What: The North invaded the south pushing all the way to the tip of the peninsula in a matter of months. The US soon intervenes by landing in Incheon, not too far south of the 38th parallel. With the help of the US, the South pushes back up to the Chinese border. The Chinese then intervene and pushes back down to the 38th parallel.
  • Korean War

    Who: United Nations ,Republic of Korea, United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Colombia, Ethiopia, France, Greece, Luxembourg , Netherland
    How: The Korean War was the first armed confrontation of the Cold War and set the standard for many later conflicts. It created the idea of a proxy war, where the two superpowers would fight in another country, forcing the people in that nation to suffer the bulk of the destruction and death involved in a war between such large nations.
  • Uprisings in Hungary and Czechoslovakia

    Who: Russia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Eat Germany, and Poland
    What: troops from Russia, Hungary, Bulgaria, East Germany and Poland occupied Czechoslovakia The Czechoslovakian government immediately declared that the “invasion was a violation of the socialist principles, international law, and the United Nations Charter.”
  • Uprisings in Hungary and Czechoslovakia

    How: Within the Cold War context of the time, by 1956, a fundamental tension had appeared in US policy towards Hungary and the Eastern Bloc generally. The US hoped to encourage East European countries to break away from the bloc through their own efforts. For these reasons, US policy makers had to consider other means of diminishing Soviet influence in Eastern Europe short of a rollback policy. This led to the development of containment policies such as economic and psychological warfare, conver
  • Sputnik Launched

    Who: United States and USSR
    What: Sputnik, Russian for “ Fellow traveler of earth” was an unmanned Soviet satellite that orbited the earth from 10/4/1957, to 1/4/1958. The launch of sputnik sent out a wide spread panic among the Sputnik launch. The USSR won the race to space.
  • Sputnik Launched

    How: The launch of Sputnik rattled the American public. President Dwight D. Eisenhower referred to it as the “Sputnik Crisis”. Although Sputnik was itself harmless, its orbiting greatly accentuated the continual threat the United States had perceived from the Soviet Union since the Cold War began after WWII.
  • U2 spy plane shot down

    Who:United States and Russia.
    What: During the Presidency of Dwight Eisenhower and during the leadership of Soviet Premier Nakita Khrushchev, when a United States U-2 spy plane was shot down over the airspace of the Soviet Union. The United States first denied the plane’s purpose and mission, but then was forced to admit its role as a covert surveillance aircraft when the Soviet government produced its intact remains and surviving pilot, and photos of military bases in Russia taken by Powers.
  • U2 Spy plane shot down

    How: This incident set in motion a pattern of mistrust that culminated in the Cuban Missile Crisis, a time when U.S.-U.S.S.R. relations reached an all time low. No one can predict if the Cold War might have ended sooner had the U-2 incident not occurred.
  • Berlin wall goes up

    Who: Khrushchev and President Kennedy
    What: Khrushchev renewed the crisis over Berlin during a meeting with the new American president, John Kennedy, in Vienna. He then again threatened to sign a separate peace treaty with East Germany. This treaty would end existing four-power agreements. The Soviets began to erect a wall, between the east and west sectors of Berlin, forcibly sealing off the inhabitants of East Germany.
  • Berlin wall goes up

    How: The Berlin wall became a symbol for the Cold War. The wall created a division of East and West Berlin. It was destructed in 1989.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    What: the Soviets sent another letter stating the US must remove missiles in Turkey in return for Soviet missiles in Cuba.
    How: It was mainly about the fact that the United States had weaponry near the Soviet Union in Turkey, weaponry that was known to be powerful. Therefore, the Soviets wanted the weapons to be removed so the US didn’t impose a threat on their country. It was almost like a game of “chicken”.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    who: soviet union and president Kennedy
    what: President John Kennedy was informed of the missile installation. He then created an EX-COMM group that would take care of the crisis. Kennedy announced finding the installations of the missiles and order the Soviets to remove all weapons. USSR’s, Khrushchev, proposed a resolution to the problem to the US. He stated that if the US did not invade Cuba. He would remove all missiles and personnel. Days later, a U-2 was shot down.
  • Russia invades Afganistan

    Who: Soviet Union, Afghanistan, United States, Other middle east and Asian countries.
    What: The Soviet Union feared the loss of its communist proxy in Afghanistan. The army invaded Afghanistan in order to support the communist government of the PDPA against a growing revolt. The Afghani people had several countries backing them up during this invasion such as China, Iran, Egypt, as well as the US. Eventually in February 1989 the Soviet Army was forced to withdraw from Afghanistan.
  • Russia invades Afganistan

    How: This was the last large blow of the Cold War. Both Soviet Union as well as Afghanistan suffered damage from this war.