Events of The American Revolution

By hyeonc
  • The Stamp Act Pt. 2

    This act was in place due to the British needing money to help pay for the British soldiers stationed in the colonies during the Seven Years’ War. They also were in debt due to the French and Indian war and the money needed to support troops with weapons and other various tools.
  • The Stamp Act Pt. 1

    The Stamp Act Pt. 1
    British Parliament on the March 22nd, of 1765 passed the controversial stamp act. What this act would do is it’d require colonists to pay a tax which was signified with a stamp. This tax required all of the legal documents, mainly commercial contracts, newspapers, wills, marriage licenses, diplomas, and pamphlets to be marked with a stamp and a tax.
  • Townshend Act Pt. 1

    Townshend Act Pt. 1
    In 1767 the Townshend Act was passed by the British Parliament. This act would again tax the Colonies but instead of legal documents, it’d be the goods imported to the thirteen colonies. As the distaste of the laws amongst the colonists spread they soon found the act to be revolting and to be a form of abuse of power. As the tension grew, Britain had sent troops to the colonies to enforce the unpopular laws.
  • Townshend Act Pt. 2

    The tax mainly imposed duties on British china, glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea which were being imported to the colonies. The British imposed that the colonies were to start manufacturing their own goods instead of paying duties on importers. These items were exclusively chosen as Townshend thought it’d be difficult for the colonies to produce these items by themselves.
  • Boston Massacre Pt. 1

    Boston Massacre Pt. 1
    The Boston Massacre was a riot that had occured on March 5, 1770 in King Street, Boston. As tensions ran high, over 2,000 British soldiers had occupied the city of Boston. As the riot stewed a American colonist had started a brawl with a Private Hugh White, he was the lone soldier guarding the King’s money inside a custom house in King Street. In retaliation the soldier had stabbed a colonist with his bayonet, soon the colonists started to pelt White with ice, stones, and snowballs.
  • Boston Massacre Pt. 2

    Boston Massacre Pt. 2
    As the assault further escalated the rioters had struck the soldier down, pleading for reinforcements soon Captain Thomas Preston and his troops began to create a defensive position in front of the house. As the violence had a steady growth colonists took it upon themselves to strike the soldiers with clubs and sticks.
  • Boston Massacre Pt. 3

    Boston Massacre Pt. 3
    Although the next events are a bit fuzzy, a soldier fired his weapon into the growing crowd. And soon the group of soldiers opened fire following in the first man’s shot. After the bloody uprising, there were five dead colonists who were killed by the onslaught of British soldiers.
  • Boston Tea Party Pt. 1

    Boston Tea Party Pt. 1
    The Boston Tea Party has been known to have been one of the first most significant defiance to British law which was committed on December 16, 1773. This act of defiance had 340 chests of tea weighing a total of about 46 metric tons tossed off a boat on the Boston Harbor.
  • Boston Tea Party Pt. 2

    Boston Tea Party Pt. 2
    The group which was then called the Sons of Liberty dressed as Mohawk Indians, and Narragansett Indians in an effort to disrupt their true identities to the British. The Sons of Liberty obligated themselves to do this act against the British as the newly added tea act limited.
  • The Coercive Acts Pt. 1

    The Coercive Acts Pt. 1
    The Coercive Acts was first established during 1774, it was also known as the Intolerable Acts in the colonies. They were a group of four laws in which British Parliament punished the colony of the Massachusetts Bay due to the Boston Tea Party. The series of acts were the Boston Port was to close the Boston Harbor, the Massachusetts Government Act which made the elective government into one where they’d be appointed.
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    The Coercive Acts Pt. 2

    The Administration Justice Act which allowed for British officials who were charged with offenses in the colonies to be sent back to England. And lastly the Quartering act which allowed the Colonial Governor to house troops in unoccupied homes.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    The First Continental Congress convened in Carpenters’ Hall, Philadelphia between September 5th, and October 26th 1774. Delegates from twelve of the thirteen colonies met to speak about the future of America under the control of Britain. The main goal of the first congress was to state the colonists’ concerns about British rule, they’d convene by agreeing to boycott British goods, and to prepare a colonial militia in case of a war against Britain and the colonies.
  • Coastal Attacks on Towns

    Coastal Attacks on Towns
    Through October 1775. to January 1776 the British naval forces would attack the coastal towns of Falmouth burning down the towns. Norfolk had also experiences issues with the British navy as the town’s wooden buildings would be burned by the British troops after a seven hour bombardment by the Navy. As a rebellion stirred the leaders would seize the burning of two ports to make the colonists group together for the rebellion against the British.
  • Lexington and Concord Pt. 1

    Lexington and Concord Pt. 1
    The battle of Lexington and Concord on the 19th of April, 1775 in the Massachusetts is known to have kicked off the Revolutionary War. In the night of April 18 the day before, hundreds of British soldiers marched through Boston and into Concord to seize an arms cache.
  • Lexington and Concord Pt. 2

    Oblivious to the British, Colonel James Barrett had the weapons from the cache concealed in a nearby field close to James Barrett farm. Inside the cache were a pair of bronze cannons, most of the Concord’s militia’s gunpowder, and weapons. The British had raided the farm and seized no weaponry.
  • The Battle of Bunker Hill Pt. 1

    The Battle of Bunker Hill Pt. 1
    On June 17, 1775, the Battle of Bunker Hill in Massachusetts had unfolded in which British forces attempted to capture Bunker Hill which was fortified with revolutionaries. The revolutionaries prepared for a siege as the British forces were going to collide against Bunker Hill in an attempt to capture the hill. Wave after wave of British soldiers would attack the hill to capture the bunker.
  • The Battle of Bunker Hill Pt. 2

    The Battle of Bunker Hill Pt. 2
    As the British continued to attack, the revolutionaries didn’t give up and kept a line of fire against the British forces to hold the bunker. After running out of ammunition the revolutionaries left the bunker and retreated. It’s known to have been a “British victory,” although there were over 1,000 British soldiers who were injured or killed in the fighting, compared to the American’s losses which were over 100 casualties, it seemed as though the American forces had “won” the battle.
  • Declaration of Independence Pt. 1

    Declaration of Independence Pt. 1
    July 4th, 1776. An unanimous declaration of the thirteen colonies was approved by the Continental Congress and announced the separation of thirteen colonies from Great Britain. Written by Thomas Jefferson he had written down the main principles of life in the thirteen colonies.
  • Declaration of Independence Pt. 2

    These being that all men are created equal and all should be treated the same with the rights of life; unalienable rights given to by the creator; the purpose of government to protect the citizen’s rights; power of government comes from the people of the colonies; and the right of revolution by the citizens of the colonies when a government withholds these rights.
  • Saratoga Pt. 2

    As the British waited for reinforcements the number of American troops on the other side pulled in over 13,000 troops. As October rushed in the British supplies were dwindling fast and the commander realized that the plea for backup was in vain. In an act to pull British forces in victory they lead a flank in a wooded area of Bemis Heights south of Saratoga.
  • Saratoga Pt. 3

    The Americans had already known their plan and would force the British to withdraw their troops. The retreat of the British forces were slow and soon the Continental Army surrounded the British.
  • Saratoga Pt. 1

    Saratoga Pt. 1
    The Battle of Saratoga lasted through September, and October of 1777. A decisive victory for the Continental Army, and a turning point for the Americans in the revolutionary war. The first battle occurred near Saratoga, New York of a Loyalist named John Freeman’s abandoned farm on September 19th. As the British line had started to cripple the commander in chief Burgoyne ordered a group of German soldiers to help support the line and forced the Americans to pull back and retreat.
  • The Betrayal of Benedict Arnold

    The Betrayal of Benedict Arnold
    Born in the 14th of January, 1741 in Connecticut. He was an officer serving in the Continental Army. He’d fight and soon rose to the rank of Major General. He’s known to have been a traitor to America after he defected to Britain. And this lust was from greed as he was in debt, and as he saw the true colours of the Continental Army he grew to distrust and had hatred for the Congress. As the meeting with his adversary, British Major John Andre on September 21th was a soon disaster.
  • Monmouth Pt. 1

    Monmouth Pt. 1
    The date’s June 28, 1778, General Washington, and General Lee had attacked the rear of the British General Henry Clinton. Although the British were outnumbered, the American General Lee had lacked confidence in the ability of the troops in his command. Due to this failure of confidence, General Lee who was meant to take the initial attack was held back and ceded the initial attack. As Washington approached the fight he encountered panicked soldiers who had fled the battle.
  • Monmouth Pt. 2

    As he’d move forward he removed General Lee from his command. Rallying what troops were left he had left Washington placed Nathanael Greene’s division to the right, and William Alexander on the left. The American counterattack had the Redcoats retreating and reorganizing, General Greene held off Cornwallis’ attack as they tried to overtake his troops. As night rolled in, the British had retreated under the cover of night.
  • Baylor's Massacre

    Baylor's Massacre
    Baylor’s Massacre occurred on September 27th, 1778 in River Vale, New Jersey. The British victory was compiled of a surprise attack against the 3rd regiment under the command of Colonel George Baylor. Baylor’s forces consisted of 116 troops, whilst the British forces leadfed by Major Gen. Charles consisted of 650 soldiers. Casualties were estimated to be 15 killed on the American soldiers, and only 1 British soldier killed. This raid was apart of a larger raid, that being the Northern Theater.
  • DeWint House Pt. 2

    Washington had come back on September 28th through October 7th of the same year as the American Army moved to Orangeburg for the hanging of British spy John Andre. And finally Washington’s last visit to the home during the war was to discuss the final withdrawal of British soldiers from New York three years later on May 4th through the 8th in 1783.
  • DeWint House Pt. 1

    DeWint House Pt. 1
    The DeWint house had become a temporary headquarters for George Washington while he was the Commander-in-Chief during the Revolutionary war. On August 8th to the 24th of 1780, Washington was inspecting a rebout on the Hudson river in which Major Frederickus Blauvelt son of Johnannes and Antje DeWint invited Washington to stay in their home.
  • Execution of Major John Andre

    The papers soon revealed that Andre was to return from a secret meeting with Benedict Arnold who was the commander of West Point. His accomplice Benedict had told the British that they’d surrender the river fort on the Hudson River for £20,000. Andre was allowed to write one letter to his commander which was then Henry Clinton.
  • Execution of Major John Andre

    Execution of Major John Andre
    John Andre, a major in the British Army and the leader of its Secret Service. He was hanged as a spy on October 2nd, 1780 by the U.S military in Tappan, New York as suspicions of being a spy. He was first captured by the men John Paulding, David Williams, and Isaac Van Wart. He was first convicted as on September 23rd, he was found confidential papers in his boot.
  • Articles of Confederation Pt. 1

    Articles of Confederation Pt. 1
    The main purpose of the Articles of Confederation were to plan the structure of the government for the new nation. It was meant to be based around confederation-esk government, and was created by the Second Continental Congress. The Articles created a loose confederation of states and an overall weak government leaving most of the power to the states’ governments.
  • Articles of Confederation Pt. 2

    The urge to create a new stronger Federal government was apparent and soon led to a new convention later on. The main problem with the Articles of Confederation was that Congress was unable to control commerce between the newly found nation and foreign countries. As the article was loosely made Congress wouldn’t have much authority to regulate commerce.
  • Yorktown Pt. 1

    Yorktown Pt. 1
    The siege of Yorktown in Virginia lasted through September 28th, to October 19, 1781. The two forces mainly made up of French and American troops had entrapped a major British army in Yorktown. A siege had ensued and soon the forces were inlocked in brutal fighting. The siege of Yorktown is known to have been the last major battle of the Revolutionary war and soon was known to have sparked the new nation’s independence.
  • Treaty of Paris Pt. 1

    Treaty of Paris Pt. 1
    The end of the Revolutionary War, 6,800 American militiamen killed, 6,100 wounded, and 17,000 killed by disease. As the British ceded their control over most of their territories east of the Mississippi River from the United States of America, the size of the new nation had doubled paving way for westward expansion in the colonies.
  • Treaty of Paris Pt. 2

    The British Parliament had soon recognized America’s independence and established the borders for the new nation. The treaty had called for all posts within the U.S territory under British control to surrender and be transported back to Britain.
  • Yorktown Pt. 2

    And this battle cemented George Washington’s reputation as a great leader and soon after became the first presidential candidate of the newly found United States of America.