Event of Holocaust

  • Hitler Becomes leader

    Hitler Becomes leader
    Due to the Reichstag fire, Hitler becomes the chancellor through to the Enabling act
  • Nuremburg Laws

    Nuremburg Laws
    The Nuremburg Laws stripped Jews of their citizenship and many other right
  • Night of Broken Glass

    Night of Broken Glass
    During these two days many attacks would happen on jewish homes, businesss, and eve the jews themselves. The attack was sponsored by the state
  • Start of WW2

    Start of WW2
    On September 1st Germany would invade Poland and two days later Britain and France declare war.
  • Killing of the Disabled

    Killing of the Disabled
    In response to protests, hitter decided to kill people with disabilities
  • Danish Jews Escape

    Danish Jews Escape
    In 1943 7,200 Danish Jews would escape to Sweden where they would stay for the rest of the war
  • U.S and Soviet forces meet

    U.S and Soviet forces meet
    U.S and Soviet forces meet in Germany having liberated many concentration camps, but finding many abandoned camps too
  • Hitler commits sucide

    Hitler commits sucide
    Hitler would commit suicide in his bunker and 7 days later Germany would surrender