• Born

    She was born with the name of Eva Maria Ibarguren
  • Professional Debut

    She had her first professional in a play
  • Date Eva Peron met Juan Peron

    Eva met Colonel Juan Perón
  • Arrest of Juan Peron

    Day that Juan Peron was arrested by his opponents within the government who feared that due to the strong support of the descamisados, the workers and the poor of the nation, Perón's popularity might eclipse that of the sitting president.
  • Juan Peron under arrest

    he was forced to resign by opponents within the armed forces.
  • "Day of Loyalty"

    hundreds of thousands of workers roused in part by Eva Peron flooded the Plaza de Mayo to demand of release of Juan Peron.
  • Church Wedding Day

    They were married discreetly
  • Juan Peron became president

    his two stated goals were social justice and economic independence
  • Women the right to vote

    Law 13,010, established the equality of political rights between men and women and universal suffrage in Argentina. Finally, Law 13,010 was approved unanimously. In a public celebration and ceremony, however, Juan Perón signed the law granting women the right to vote, and then he handed the bill to Eva, symbolically making it hers.
  • Married

    Day she got married
  • The foundation Maria Eva Duarte de Peron

    It would later be renamed simply the Eva Perón Foundation. Its funding began with 10,000 pesos provided by Evita herself.
  • Vice Presidential nomination

    the crowd demanded that Evita publicly announce her official candidacy as vice president.
  • Day of her Death

    She died of Cancer