European Monarchs

  • Apr 21, 1509

    Henry VIII of England

    Henry VIII of England
    Died on 1/28/1547 from Tuberculosis. Henry Created Protestant church in England and played a large role in the Act of Supremacy. Act of 6 Articles issued, reaffirmed most Catholic beliefs. Connected through the Son of Henry VII Tudor Family. His grade is A.
  • Mar 14, 1516

    Charles I of Spain

    Charles I of Spain
    Decapitation on 1/30/1649 the "Divine right of Kings" Led to beheading of Charles among his own fault for things like Economic problems, the English Civil War and the Irish Rebellion. He was the son of James VI. His grade is a F because he was an Absolute monarch who didn’t care about anything but himself. He spent a lot of money that he didn’t have and tried to restrict his people to one religion which caused rebellion and the English civil war.
  • Dec 12, 1533

    Ivan IV of Russia

    Ivan IV of Russia
    His death was because of poison on 1/26/1547. He Claimed Czar and created the General Council. He did however Killed 1,000s in Novgorod and he killed his own son. Connected through Vasilyevich family. His grade is a C because everything he did was bad. He killed his son and killed many just for his own good. He created the general assembly which was good but he was a heartless human being, so that is why his grade is justified.
  • Jan 28, 1547

    Edward VI of England

    Edward VI of England
    Died ofSickness (Poisoning) on 7/6/1553. Edward was important for his roles in the Third Succession Art Rebellion and the Fall of Sommerset. He is the Son of Henry VII of the Tudor Family. His grade is A.
  • Jul 19, 1553

    Mary I of England

    Died from Flu on 11/17/1558. She was made famous because her Persecution of Protestants and that she was the First woman to successfully claim England throne. Married Phillip and Furthered the Todor conquest of Ireland. She was the Daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine. Her grade is A.
  • Jan 16, 1556

    Phillip II of Spain

    Began reign on January 1, 1556. Was the leader till September 13, 1598.
    Philip II died because of cancer. He colonized in the philippines, as well as the dutch republic.
    Invaded england. Defended the catholic church.
  • Apr 5, 1562

    Ivan III of Russia

    Ivan III of Russia
    Died from a stroke on 11/6/1505. Ivan fought the Battle of Shelon River and he was the Gatherer of the Russian lands. He ruled in Autocratic form and endorsed Orthodoxy. Connected through the Vasilyevich family. His grade is a B because he was all about expanding and improving his empire. Only violence he was invovled in was the Battle of Shelon River. He improved autocratic form, endorsed orthodoxy and gained more land for Russia.
  • Henry IV of France

    Henry IV of France
    Born December 13, 1553 and died May 14, 1610. He was the first monarch of the Bourbon branch of the Capetian dynasty in France. In 1609, Henry's intervention helped to settle diplomatically the War of the Jülich succession. He made the Peace treaty of Vervins.
  • Phillip III of Spain

    Phillip III of Spain
    Leader from September 16, 1598 to March 31, 1621. Philip III died of old age.
    Came up with the treaty of London, twelve year truce.
    Was at war for thirty years, many of the battles were fought with the navy.
  • James I of England

    James I of England
    Died on 3/27/1625 from a Stroke. James I will be known for Uninterrupted peace,
    Low taxation during the Jacobean era and his refusal to pass Puritans' reform. His
    "Divine right of Kings" Led to beheading of Charles. He was the son of Henry Stuart.
    His grade was a A because everything he did was for the btterment of the empire. Even though some of the things he did were questionable, they were in good mind and did what he had to do including pointing the finger at Chalres 1 and getting him execu
  • Louis XIII of France

    Louis XIII of France
    Louis XIII was born on September 27, 1601 and died on May 14,1643. He was only 9 years old when he took the power. He ruled overseas. The rebellion was ended by the Treaty of Montpellier.
  • Micheal I of Russia

    Born July 12, 1596, died 7.12.1645 MIcheal was the first of the Romanov Dynasty. His reign marked the end of the Time of Troubles.Michael was married twice, briefly to princess Maria Vladimirovna Dolgorukaia (1624) and then to Evdokiia Luk'ianovna Streshneva (1626), who bore his heir, Tsar Alexis I Mikhailovich, and eight other children. The last decade of the reign saw a fundamental change in Russian policy.
  • Ferdinand II Central Europe HRE

    Ferdinand II Central Europe HRE
    Death on 2/15/1637. The major events that happened in Ferdinands life include; Thirty Year War, Treaty of Westphalia and he Shut down protestant 2 churches. Named Roman Holy Emperor.Connected through the Hapsburg family. His grade is a B because he only improved the empire but was selfish. He was close minded about religion and how the empire should be run which the only reason he didn’t get an A because everything else he did was positive and for the betterment of the empire.
  • Charles I of England

    Charles I of England
    Decapitation on 1/30/1649 the "Divine right of Kings" Led to beheading of Charles among his own fault for things like Economic problems, the English Civil War and the Irish Rebellion. He was the son of James VI. His grade is a F because he was an Absolute monarch who didn’t care about anything but himself. He spent a lot of money that he didn’t have and tried to restrict his people to one religion which caused rebellion and the English civil war.
  • Fredrick WIlliam I of Russia

    Fredrick WIlliam I of Russia
    Death on 4/29/1688. Silesian Wars, Russo-Turkish War, War of Austrian Succession all happened under his rule. First Partition of Poland. Connected to the Hohenzollern family. His grade is a C because he was invovled in a lot of war stuff. He took his empire into 3 different wars. The only positive event in his life was the first partition of Poland which made his grade less than sub par.
  • Louis XIV of France

    Louis XIV of France
    He was born on September 5, 1638 and died on September 1, 1715. He was known as Louis the Great. He had the longest reign in French and European history. He had the power and fought in three wars. These were the Franco-Dutch War, the War of the League of Augsburg and the War of the Spanish Succession.
  • Oliver Cromwell

    Died from Malaria on 9/3/1658. Oli created the Establishment of the Commonwealth 1649 and Establishment of Barebones Parliment 1653. Member of Parliament, part of the Second Civil War. Son of Robert cromwell and Elizabeth Steward. His grade is a A because he fixed England after Charles 1 screwed it up. He fixed the parliment system and allowed for tolerance of different religions. He allowed people to be themselves and he made England a better place.
  • Charles II of England

    Charles II of England
    Died from apoplectic fit on 2/6/1685. Charles saw great troubles in his life like the Clarendon Code, the Great Plague and the Great Fire. He was responsible for restoration after Cromwell. He was the son of Charles I. His grade was a B because he continuned the restoration that Oliver started. He was invovled with some major disators which put his grade down a notch but everything else he did improved England.
  • Phillip IV of Spain

    Phillip IV of Spain
    Lead from March 31, 1665 till September 16, 1665. Created Treaty of breda. Philip was also notable for his interest in the Spanish armada. His most difficult challenges as king would stem from domestic problems in Spain itself.
  • Charles II of Spain

    Charles II of Spain
    Born September 17, 1665 and lived to be 45 dying on November 11, 1700. Charles was treated like pretty much like an infant until he was ten years old. He did not learn how to walk until he was 8 or talk until he was 4. Charles created a Great Council to examine and investigate the Spanish Inquisition. Charles was executed.
  • Fredrick II

    Fredrick II
    Death on 8/17/1786. Frederick fought in the War of Austrian succession, the Seven Years war and the War of the Bavarian Succession. Apart of the First Partition of Poland he is
    Connected through the hohenzollern family. His grade is a C because he lead his empire into 3 wars and took part in first partition of poland. He invovled his empire with a lot of violence and death and wasn’t very fair to the people. He did what he wanted.
  • Peter I of Russia

    Born June 9, 1672 Died February 8th 1725. Peter was a huge leader in the westernization of Russia. He also founded St. Petersburg which is one of Russia most important cities. He also expanded the borders of Russia considerably.
  • James II of England

    James II of England
    He died from sickness and age on 12/23/1689. Converted the Roman Catholicism for 2nd Marriage. James fought many wars like war in Ireland, Two Rebellions and a revolution. Son of Charles I. His grade is a C because he was very wishy washy on what he wanted. He changed positions a lot and didn’t have one firm view. He experienced two rebellions because of it. He was also invovled in war and violence so because of that his grade dropped. But he did modernize England a little so I will give him so
  • William III of England

    Died from pneumonia on 3/8/1702 . William is credited with things like, the Invasion of England, Disaster year 1672, English Succession. Ruled w/ Mary II, son of Mary I. Her grade was a B because he also helped with the bill or rights and glorious revolution. He fixed up England after the very bad times that they had experienced right before he came into power.
  • Mary II of England

    Died from smallpox on 12/28/1694. She continued the revolution, but she was in charge only when husband was away. Married William and they made the Bill of Rights, 1689. Daughter of James II. Her grade was a B for when she was at the throne, she took a backseat to her husband which affected her leadership abilities. She did help create the glorious revolution, bill of rights and constiutional monarchy which helped england a lot.
  • Phillip V of Spain

    Phillip V of Spain
    Born November 16, 1700, died on January 14, 17242. He held the longest reign as a king in Spanish history. Philip helped his Bourbon relatives to make territorial gains in the War of the Polish Succession and the War of the Austrian Succession. He defeated the spanish armada.
  • Louis XV of France

    Louis XV of France
    He died from Sickness to Death (Smallpox) on 5/10/1774. Involved in such things like the Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle (1748), Diplomatic Revolution of 1756 Treaty of Paris of 1763. He was connected through the Bourbon-Vendome family
    His grade was a B because he was involved in many peaceful acts. Other then the thirty year war he was a peaceful guy who wanted to expand his empire but also keep everybody happy.
  • Maria Theresa HRE

    Maria Theresa HRE
    Died of Heart Failure on 11/29/1780 . She was involved in the war of Austrian Succession, War of the Polish Succession and the Seven Years War. Played a role in the Treaty of Belgrade and she in connected through the Hapsburg family. Her grade is a C because she lead the empire into many wars but couldn’t get herself out of all of them. She lead them to war and didn’t come up with any results.
  • Catherine II of Russia

    Catherine II of Russia
    Died 11.6.1796 after 34 year reign. She took the throne from her husband. As soon as she came to the throne, she immediately introduced reforms to increase Russia's wealth. She was very much into westernizing Russia, She founded the first School of Mines in St Petersburg and promoted modern breeding methods for sheep, cattle and horses.
  • Louis XVI of France

    Louis XVI of France
    He was executed on 9/21/1792. During his life he saw many things happen like the Treaty of Utrecht and the War of the Spanish Succession. He was involved in the Edicts of Nantes and he was the king who Built palace at Versailles. He was connected through the Bourbon-Vendome family. His grade was a A because everything he was invovled in was for the betterment of the empire. He was family orientaded and with his good morals his ruled his empire with a fair and peaceful fist.