ESS TImeline

  • Period: to

    TIMELINE of Important Conservation Dates

  • Creation of the WWF

    Creation of the WWF
    In the year 1961, one of the most influencial non governmental organizations would be created, the WWF. An organization that has grown to a world wide scale, protecting the simplest species of crab, to the most complicated one of Pandas. It also conserves their natural biomes.
    In the future it wants to preserve the Panda species, to allow them to regrow to the scale of over ten thousand in the wild, even though they are currently at sixteen hundred.
  • The Fauna Preservation Society of Ngamiland (Botswana)

    The Fauna Preservation Society of Ngamiland (Botswana)
    A Governmental Organization created by the Botswana government whose main focus is the protection of local fauna from South African Hunters.
    This group will allow for the survival of multiple species within the region.
  • Indian Forrest Service

    Indian Forrest Service
    Another Governmental Organization that was originally made by the British all the way back in the 1800s. This organization allows for the protection and conservation of multiple Indian ecosystems, such as the Betwan and Ken Rivers. They are also focused in the protection of species, such as the elephants.
    They will continue to protect their species and try to focuse on cleaning up multiple of the polluted areas in the country, such as the Ganges River.
  • President Nixon Makes the Environmental Protection Agency

    President Nixon Makes the Environmental Protection Agency
    An Govermental Organization created by President Nixon. Its two main goals are for the protection of human health, and conservation of the environment, within the USA.
    In the future this will be allowing for the protection of multiple National Parks within the USA.
  • Natural Resources Defense Council

    Natural Resources Defense Council
    A non govermental organization that consists of over 300 scientists, lawyers etc. to help curve global warming and find cleaner ways of obtaining energy, such as tidal. They use 80% of the money donated to them, in their projects.
    It has helped China become a greener place, focusing on reducing pollution in big cities like Beijin.
  • International Crane Foundation

    International Crane Foundation
    The International Crane Foundation was created in 1970 as an international non governmental organization dedicated to helping in specific the crane species. Its main goal is reproducing in captivity, allowing cranes to return to the wild, rescues and much more.
    There work, even though dedicated to Cranes, has helped the world see how to aid a species close to extinction. Through their aid, multiple opposite organizations have managed to repopulate species of lizards.
  • Center for Integral Small Farmer Development in the Mixteca

    Center for Integral Small Farmer Development in the Mixteca
    A non govermental organization set within Mexico, whose main intent was to return the glorious Mixteca Forest to the currently desert like land. It was founded by a local farmer, Jesus Santos, who leanred techniques to re-fertalize the land, from indigenous Guatemalan farmers. This allowed for a grand part of the Mexteca forest to grow back.
    With more farmers adopting these techniques, it is said that the forest could grow back as a whole within the next ten to twenty years.
  • Reforestation in Colombia: Gaviotas

    Reforestation in Colombia: Gaviotas
    An initiative started by the Gaviotas people, about 200. It is an initiative to regrow the forest, that once gloriously could call itself a rainforest. With little help from the government, they have managed to regrow 20,000 acres of forest, and have become a model sustanable society, for also making an economic profit from the Carribean Pine Trees.
    With this process, most of the land will be covered in trees, and will allow Colombia the chance to set foot in environmental economic ventures.
  • Conservation International

    Conservation International
    Conservation International, is a non governmental organization dedicated to reduce global temperatures, clean and sustanable water and to working on the aid of Biological Hotspots.
    With their aid, the Hotspot of Japan has managed to regrow drastically, and will continue to do so, if they are allowed to.
  • Borneo Eco-Toursims.

    Borneo Eco-Toursims.
    It was expected that by 2020 Borneo would have lost 75% of its environment. In order to detain that, in 1990, Borneo began to promote Eco-Tourism, a way to earn money to preserve the environment of the third largest island in the world.
    It has managed to recuparte itself someone with this initiative, with rates of deforestation dropping heavily.
  • Kwimba Reforestation Project

    Kwimba Reforestation Project
    This country located within Africa, set out to make a reforestation project. The reason for doing so, was that a lot of the heat and cooking materials within the country, came directly from timber, resulting in grands amount of the trees, being chopped off. Over the next nine years, the project managed to replant almost 6.5 million trees.
    This allowed for a vast recuperation of the environment, and could allow many of the long gone species to return.
  • Forest Conservation Act

    Forest Conservation Act
    An Act, made in 1992 by the govenor, allowing for multiple reforrestation laws to occur within the state of Maryland. This would also allow for the protection of the environments from the construction disbalance of said age.
    This allowed for a large portion of the local wooded area to be replanted, and for constructions to be far less a disturbance to the environment.
  • CABI and Wildlife Conservartion Society Join Forces

    CABI and Wildlife Conservartion Society Join Forces
    CABI is an non governmental organization made up of Bolivian Indigenous people, which promotes ecological growth within its area. Wildlife Conservation Society is located in Brazil and Paraguay, helping the regrowth of the environment through actions done with technological advances.
    The joinement of the two will allow for the conservation of the homes of multiple spices of flora, fauna and indigenous tribes.
  • Appalachian Region Reforestation Initiative

    Appalachian Region Reforestation Initiative
    An initiative to regrow the forest of the mining area known as Appalachian. This regrowth is to give an alternative to all the bio-degregation that has been happening around the area. overy 60 million trees have been replanted.
    This will allow for alternatives to mining and the destruction of one of the most Biodiverse areas in the USA. Biodiversity will return to this area.
  • Oceana

    A non governmental organization that has merged with multiple governmental organization for the conservation of the oceanic biome. Through this, they manage to preserve many coral instalations, rediversify, overpopulated fishing areas and much more.
    They are helping repopulate fishing areas, using up to 79% of all their donations to do so.
  • Botswana Predator Conservation Trust: Into Gear

    Botswana Predator Conservation Trust: Into Gear
    There was a Governmental Organization, concerned with the protection of the predators within the Botswana country. A sudden decrease of them caused the creation of the group multiple years earlier. But, in 2012, the group finally kicked into full motion once it started promoting, and accepting donations for the cause.
    This will allow for the preservation of the predator species for future ages, with in Botswana.
  • Size of Wales

    Size of Wales
    A crowd funded program, dedicated for the country of Wales, so that its people and people from all around the world would be inspired to help maintain the environement around them. This project gained over two million GBP, and allowed the group to invest almost 90% of their profits into the project.
    Wales has taken a green step since the initiative, with reports of more seedlings being bought per year than ever before.
  • Blackfish CNN

    Blackfish CNN
    In 2013, the movie, Blackfish Premiered to the world, uncovering the hardships orcas had to suffer within captivity. This caused an uproar within the public, claming that places such as SeaWorld, should release the animal. Rather than being a movment on its own, it caused a movment.
    It is allowing and motivating people to support the release of the orcas movment, conserving this species of animal
  • Lion Ark

    Lion Ark
    A movie, revealing the torture and abuse animals in circuses have to suffer. It sparked an uproar, leading multiple animal circuses to close down, and release their animals back into the wild. The movie mainly focuses in Bolivia.
    Has allowed for people to obligate circuses to shut down.
  • Asian Elephant Conservation Documentary

    Asian Elephant Conservation Documentary
    A documentary soley inspired in the conservation of the asian elephant species within India and Sri Lanka. This film was crowd funded.
    It had such a big implact that it forced the Sri Lanka government to take action, allowing for several low funded conservation projects to be created within the country.
  • WCS Priority Regions and Species

    WCS Priority Regions and Species
    This is a plan, which by 2020, the Wildlife Conservation Society plans to implement. It is a plan which would allow them to conserve multiple regions, mainly hotspots, in the preservation of their unique species.
    The plan is set to take motion in 2020.