ESS timeline

  • Agricultural Revolution

    Agricultural Revolution
    Growth in agricultural approaches. People learned how to produce an abundance of crops.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    The introductions to new manufacturing processes. Caused pollution and destroyed natural areas.
  • The green revolution

    The green revolution
    Widespread use of fertilizers, pesticides and irrigation to increase food production. Helped fight starvation but had bad impacts on the environment.
  • “Silent Spring"

    “Silent Spring"
    Silent Spring is a book written by Rachel Carson about the affects the pesticide DDT has on the environment. He main point was that the chemical was killing many birds.
  • First Earth Day

    First Earth Day
    Senator Gaylord Nelson created Earth Day to spread awareness of environmental issues. Twenty million Americans participated all over the USA.
  • Founding of Greenpeace

    Founding of Greenpeace
    Greenpeace was founded in 1971 by Irving Stowe and Dorothy Stowe in Vancouver, Canada. Greenpeace works globally to help fight and spread awareness to environmental issues.
  • Exxon Valdez Oil Spill

    Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
    The Exxon Shipping Company spilled 10.8 million gallons of oil off the coast of Alaska. It killed 250,000 seabirds, 3,000 sea otters, and 250 bald eagles
  • Tokaimura Nuclear Plant

    Tokaimura Nuclear Plant
    Three workers at a uranium-processing plant in Tokaimura, Japan mixed a uranium solution wrong causing toxic gas to go into the air. 2 died and hundreds were exposed to radiation.
  • Green Party of the United States Founded

    Green Party of the United States Founded
    The Green Party is a political party whose primary focus is environmentalism, nonviolence, and social justice.
  • The Paris Agreement

    The Paris Agreement
    The agreement aims to reduce reduce global greenhouse gas emission to help stop the temperature increase.