Erikson Timeline

  • Trust vs. Mistrust

    John started trying to learn how to walk around 18 months old. He would fall and cry when he couldn't stand back up or figure out how to take solid steps. After a few times of falling and crying with no one helping him get up and soothing his tears, he developed a sense of mistrust. During this stage of John's life, he is partly focused on learning if he can or can't trust the people around him.
  • Indentity vs. Confusion

    At age 13, John is struggling with finding a sense of self. As he's getting older, he's growing and changing in all kinds of different ways. He feels very insecure and confused about his personal identity and has a hard time fitting in with other kids. He often feels left out and lacks confidence to be himself. Adolescents who are unable to develop a sense of self tend to feel very confused about their role in life.
  • Intimacy vs. Isolation

    John is now 24 years old and has never been in a romantic relationship. John also has a hard time making friends and often feels a sense of loneliness. John has a hard time trusting people and is very hesitant to share his self identity. According to Erikson, people with a poor sense of self have a harder time with intimacy and are often lonely.