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Erikson Timeline

  • John's Bond with Mom: Trust versus mistrust

    John's Bond with Mom: Trust versus mistrust
    John (3 months old) has formed a strong bond with his mother in the short 3 months he has lived. She has birthed, fed, changed, bathed, swaddled, cuddled, and held him all his life. John's every need is met by his mother. In Erikson's first stage of trust versus mistrust, the crisis is between believing someone will always be there for you (trust) and feeling like people are unreliable (mistrust).
  • John Makes Decisions: Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt

    John Makes Decisions: Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt
    John (3) wakes up every morning, uses the bathroom, brushes his teeth, and gets himself dressed. He is given the freedom to make his own decisions thus giving him self-confidence. In Erikson's second stage of autonomy versus shame and doubt, the crisis is between becoming independent and constantly being punished for your decisions causing self-doubt.
  • John Proposes: Intimacy versus Isolation

    John Proposes: Intimacy versus Isolation
    John (25) proposes to Jenny, his girlfriend of 5 years. He chooses to commit the rest of his life with her. In Erik's fifth stage, intimacy versus isolation, the crisis is between allowing yourself to be open enough to form a bond with someone (intimacy) or being closed off and not allowing anyone in your space (isolation).