Jake Gray's - Era of Activism

  • Period: to

    Era of activism

  • UFW’s Nationwide Boycott of grapes picked on Nonunion farms

    UFW’s Nationwide Boycott of grapes picked on Nonunion farms
    Ceasar Chavez wanted to target the grapes that were growing in Calfifornia to get fairness and rights to the mexian farm wors that were wroking under unfair circumstances in nonunion farms. He wanted to create a union for the mexican workers.
  • Rachel Carson's Silent Spring

    Rachel Carson's Silent Spring
    This was the book that was known to launch the enviornemental movement. This book made people aware of what their enviornment was like right now. This book targeted such chemicals as DDT and eventually the chemical was banned as well.
  • Betty Friendman's " Feminine Mystique"

    Betty Friendman's " Feminine Mystique"
    This book highlighted what women were supposed to almost be aftr World War 2 sharing the ideas of females doing things other than housemakers and their normal idealistic ways woment have always been. This book showed that there were so many more oppurtunities for women.
  • Publication of Ralph Naders unsafe at any speed

    Publication of Ralph Naders unsafe at any speed
    This was the book that warned americans how dangerous automobiles are and to be safe and careful when driving anywhere.
  • NOW is founded

    NOW is founded
    The NOW would become the largest organization for femisim in the United States.The members of NOW fought for womens rights within the U.S domestic policy. This organization was founded to get women the rights they deserved
  • Woodstock

    This concert attracted a swarm of american teenagers and all kinds of others. This peaceful concert had drug use run rampid and brought the counter culture together.
  • First Earth Day Celebration

    First Earth Day Celebration
    This earth day celebration started the trend of earth day to help raise awareness for enviornmental problems withi the U.S.
  • The EPA is established

    The EPA is established
    EPA or the enviornental protection agency was formed to help protect and safeguard the health and condition of our enviornement.
  • Congress Passes the Clean air Act

    Congress Passes the Clean air Act
    Act passes by the EPA to ensure the air is clean and safe by meeting a few basic standards. This act ensures the air we breathe is safe and healthy.
  • Supreme Court rules to legalize abortion in the Roe v. Wade case

    Supreme Court rules to legalize abortion in the Roe v. Wade case
    This was a case to legalize abortion in the U.S. Abortion being a very contriversal topic was highly liked and disliked and was soon taken to the supreme court to make it either legal or illegal. The decision in the end by the supreme court was it was between the patient and their doctor.
  • Protesters from the AIM take over the reservation at wounded Knee

    Protesters from the AIM take over the reservation at wounded Knee
    A.I.M or the American indian movement took over the reservation at wounded knee to get the governement to review the killing that occured at wounded knee.