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Era Of Activism (Caparelli)

  • Period: to

    Era of Activism

  • Rachel Carson's Silent Spring

    Rachel Carson's Silent Spring
    Rachel Carson wrote the book due to her passionate concern for the future of our planet. The book was first published in June of 1962 by New Yorker. It was latered released the following September to the public.
  • Publication of Betty Friedman's Feminine Mystique

    Publication of Betty Friedman's Feminine Mystique
    In 1957 Friedman took a survey at her 15th reunion. The results showed many women were unhappy with their lives as housewives. This made Friedman start conducting research for Feminine Mystique. She was orginally going to make it an article but no one would publish it in their magizine.
  • Congress passes Clean Air Act

    Congress passes Clean Air Act
    Designed to control air pollution on a national level. Required EPA to develop and enforce regulations to protect the public from air bourne contaimenations.
  • Publication of Ralph Nader's Unsafe At Any Speed

    Publication of Ralph Nader's Unsafe At Any Speed
    It was a book of car manufacterers of resisting to introduce safety features. Such as selt belts, and their relucent to spend money on improving safety.
  • UFW's Nationwide Boycott

    UFW's Nationwide Boycott
    Ceaser Chavez starts a strike and boycott of DiGiorgio Fruit Corporation. It forced the grape growers to have an election amoung its workers.
  • NOW was founded

    NOW was founded
    When the Civil Rights act of 1964 came to Congress many women lobbied to have sex discrimination to be ended in employment. Later on a conference was made and the theme was "Targets for Action". Betty Friedman and Pauli Murray were amoung many of the woman there. They were told they had no authority not even to pass the resolution, but they were determined to take action. They got 300 men and woman to sign up for NOW but when a conference in October came up only 30 people showed up.
  • Woodstock

    A monumental music festival where over half a million people gathered. It had a message of peace, openess and cultural expression.
  • First Earth Day Celebration

    First Earth Day Celebration
    The founder of Earth Day was Gaylord Nelson. On Aoril 22, 1970 20 million Americans took to the streets, parks, and audtioriums to demonstrate healthy, sustainable enviroments.
  • EPA is established

    EPA is established
    It was created in the begining of elevated concern about enviromental issues. It was to consolidate a variety of federal research, monitoring, standard-setting and enforcement activites to ensure enviromental issues.
  • Roe v. Wade

    Roe v. Wade
    Roe v. Wade was a case to legalize abortion. It caused a national debate that still continues today. Arguements were to start December 13, 1971. Roe was for abortion and Wade against. The court decided with a 7-2 vote of majority rule that abortion would be legalized on January 22, 1973.