Equality's Life

  • Equality is sent to the Palace of Corrective Dentention

    He had lost track of time and returned back to the House of Street Sweepers too late. He was caught being away but would not confess where he had been even after being whipped multiple times
  • Equality 7-2521 was born and sent to the Home of Infants

    Equality 7-2521 was born and sent to the Home of Infants
    Equality and all the other children that were born that year were sent into the same room in the home. They lived there from birth until they were five.
  • Sent to the Home of the Students

    Sent to the Home of the Students
    They were all sent to the Home of the Students for ten years. Boys are required to learn until the age of 15.
  • Sent to the Home of the Street Sweepers

    Sent to the Home of the Street Sweepers
    The Council of Vocations declared Equality 7-2521's job for the rest of his days to be a Street Sweeper. This job was a disappointment compared to the jobs other people were getting such as doctors, carpenters, or cooks. But Equality obeyed as he should.
  • Equality finds a hole that leads to an underground tunnel from the Unmentional Times

    Equality finds a hole that leads to an underground tunnel from the Unmentional Times
    After four uneventful years as a street sweeper,he came across the hole one random day.
  • Equality develops feelings for Liverty 5-3000

    Equality develops feelings for Liverty 5-3000
    He started calling her the Golden one in his head. He talked to one afternoon and found out she likes him and is also a virign.
  • Eqaulty breaks out of prison

    After being in prison for a month, he breaks out of prison to present his invention to the world council.
  • Equality moves to the Uncharted Forest

    After he showed the World Council of Schloars his electric light they wanted to kill him and destroy his invention. Because of this Equality moves to the Uncharted forest where he wont be followed and get his first chance to be free.
  • Equality discovers the word I.

    This was a big deal at the time.
  • Equality shares...

    He shares he's realizations of freedom and the meaning to life. He also annouces the Liberty is pregnant. And they chose new names for each other.
  • Equality makes two big discoveries

    His first discovery was Liberty. Together they discovered a house from the Unmentionable Times filled with technology and books.