
  • Sulfur Dioxide Spread in Donora, PA

    Sulfur Dioxide Spread in  Donora, PA
    20 people die and over 600 go to the hospital after sulfur dioxide emissions from a nearby steel and wire plant descend in the form of smog, made worse by a temperature inversion that trapped the sulfuric poison in the valley of the town. The incident will lead to the first U.S. conference on air pollution in 1950, sponsored by the Public Health Service.
  • New York Smog

    Heavy smog in New York City exacerbates asthma and other lung conditions, killing 170-260 people. More New Yorkers will die again in 1962 and 1966 with more “smog episodes.”
  • Carbon Dioxide Climb

    Carbon Dioxide Climb
    Worldwide levels of carbon dioxide will climb above 300 parts per million.
  • Silent Spring

    Silent Spring
    Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring is published. Acclaimed as the catalyst of the modern environmental movement, Silent Spring condemns the overuse of pesticides. Between 1950-1962 the amount of DDT found in human tissue had tripled.
  • Earth Day Start

    Earth Day Start
    the start of earth day to help raise awareness of what's happening to the earth.a nationwide protest against environmental ignorance
  • The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

    The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
    created to monitor and improve the conditions of the oceans
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

    An Act to provide protection of the earth so no one can officially harm the planet
  • Three Mile Island Nuclear Accident

    Nuclear melt down at three mile island caused people to be aware of nuclear energy and it's negative effects
  • Ocean Dumping Ban Act

    Ocean Dumping Ban Act
    President Reagan signs the Ocean Dumping Ban Act of 1988, a law that prohibits all waste dumping in the ocean starting in 1992.
  • The Exxon Valdez Spill

    The Exxon Valdez tanker spills 11 million gallons of oil, killing more than 250,000 birds and covering over 1,300 square miles of ocean with oil. The accident is the largest oil spill in the history of the U.S.