
Enviromental Timeline

By maxz
  • Burton Act

    Burton Act
    It preserved the Niagara Fall from hydroelectric power factories. It limited the amountof power that could be imported from the Canadian Plants.
  • Period: to

    Enviromental timeline

  • National Park Service

    National Park Service
    There are 400 national parks across America. It started with yellowstone in1872. Signed by President Woodrow Wilson and created by an Act of congress .
  • Air pollution

    Air pollution
    Salt Lake City was the first U.S city to conduct a large scale survey of air pollution.
  • First Ethanol Plant

    First Ethanol Plant
    The First alternative fuel plant put others in motion. It opened in Atchison,KS. It sold throughout the midwest.
  • Bald Eagle Preservation Act

    Bald Eagle Preservation Act
    It prevent the extinction of the national symbol. The bald eagle was moved from the endangered list in 2007. It was a law that protects the bald and golden eagles.
  • Heavy smog Condition

    Heavy smog Condition
    It forced city officials to close schools in Los Angles. It was far worse then the one in 11943. 2,000 car accidents occurred in one day.
  • Clean Air Act

    Clean Air Act
    It regulated air pollution and emissions. It reduced the number of kids with carbon mooxide. It saved 11,700 lives.
  • Wilderness Act

    Wilderness Act
    Itsecured american people of present and future generations the benefits of enduring resource of wilderness. 900 million aacres of preserved wildlife in the U.S.
  • Wild and Scenic Rivers Act

    Wild and Scenic Rivers Act
    It protected waterways from pollution,commercialization and development. It preserves certain rivers with outstanding natural, cultural and recreational values.Itprotects rivers around the world.
  • Earth Day

    Earth Day
    The first earth day was celebrated across the country. 20 million people celebrate it. It raised awareness for the enviroment.