English History

  • 500

    Old English

    Old English was started from the German tribes invading who spoke similar languages
  • 520

    Invading Tribes

    The invading tribes in the 5th century A.D were the Angels, Saxons, and Jutes
  • 550

    Old English roots

    Most of the words that are commonly used in modern English still have the same root words that were in Old English
  • 1066

    Norman Invasion

    When the Norman's invaded in 1066 they brought a type of french with them which was used by most of the business classes
  • 1100

    Beowulf's Writing

    Beowulf's writings are suspected to have come from the old English times around 1100 A.D
  • 1300

    Middle English

    During the middle English time period the upper class people were speaking more of a French languages while the lower class was speaking more of a English language.
  • 1400


    Chaucer was a poet in the middle English era around 1340-1400 A.D
  • 1400

    English becomes more dominant

    Eventually the English language became more dominant and more commonly used by all people
  • 1500

    The change in pronunciation

    At the beginning of the Modern English era the pronunciation of vowels began to get shorter and shorter
  • Shakespear's Portfolio

    Around 1600 A.D is when Shakespear's first portfolio was published
  • North America

    As a result of North America being discovered came the american variety of English
  • American Revolution

    America Fighting for it's independence
  • Printing press

    The Printing press changed a lot when it was invented because there was now a more standard print being made
  • New words

    As the industrial revolution became more of a thing with new invention there was a need for new words
  • Current English

    Current English is now one of the most dominant languages due to the USA's dominance in cinema and many other things