EMango-W3 Timeline

  • John Dewey (October 1859-1952)

    John Dewey was born on October 20th 1859. He has three brothers who attended public school with him at the University of Vermont in Burlington. This is where Dewey learned the most about philosophy from his teacher G.H. Perkins.
    Dewey then graduated in the year 1879 and began to teach high school. In these two years of his teaching career Dewey was trying to develop his philosophy career. He then later submitted one of his papers to a local journal where his friend W.T. Harris published it.
  • John Dewey (October 1859-1952)

    In 1884, John Dewey obtained his doctorate from Johns Hopkins University, where he studied under George Sylvester Morris and G. Stanley Hall. These two influenced Dewey and provided him with more admiration and understanding of scientific methodology in human sciences, influencing his later switch from philosophy to psychology. He became a professor at the University of Michigan and wrote his first two books Psychology (1887), and Leibniz’s New Essays Concerning the Human Understanding (1888)
  • John Dewey (October 1859-1952)

    After spending ten years teaching at University of Michigan Dewey accepted a teaching job at the University of Chicago. Deweys idealism was able to flourish and the new concept of pragmatism was viewed more seriously. Dewey wrote more essays called “Thought and its Subject-Matter”, which was later published with his colleagues and other students to create Studies in Logical Theory (1903). He later founded a laboratory, where he developed his new ideas on pedagogical methods.
  • John Dewey (October 1859-1952)

    John Dewey wrote The School and Society in 1899 due to his extensive research done by the laboratory in Chicago. Shortly after writing this influential book, he resigned and went on to teach at the University of Columbia. Where he then flourished and went on to write several more influential books on philosophy and education.