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    Wake up to the natural light filtering through the windows or use oil lamps for early morning tasks.
    Prepare breakfast using fresh ingredients from local farms, cooking on a gas stove or wood-burning stove.
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    Mid morning

    Walk or cycle to the community well to collect water, using purification tablets or boiling it for drinking.
    Engage in outdoor activities like gardening or gathering firewood for heating and cooking.
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    Work at manual labor jobs or small-scale businesses, relying on daylight or gas lamps for illumination.
    Take breaks in shaded areas or under trees to escape the heat, as air conditioning is unavailable.
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    Return home for lunch, enjoying meals made from scratch without the convenience of a microwave or dishwasher.
    Utilize insulated containers or root cellars to store perishable food items for later use.
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    As night falls, light candles or oil lamps for evening activities and meals.
    Spend leisure time with family, engaging in storytelling, playing acoustic instruments, or stargazing.
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    Use layers of blankets or thermal clothing for warmth during cooler nights, as electric heaters are non-existent.
    Sleep early to conserve resources and adjust to the natural sleep-wake cycle.
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    Communicate through face-to-face interactions, handwritten letters, or landline telephones powered by alternative means such as solar or wind energy.
    Community gatherings and events become more significant for sharing news and updates.
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    Rely on non-electric modes of transportation like bicycles, horse-drawn carriages, or walking.
    Navigate through intersections based on shared understanding and courtesy, without the need for traffic lights.