elizabeth cady staton

  • elizebth was born

    elizebth was born
    elizebeth cady was born on November 12, 1815
  • elizebeth met her friend susen b anthoney

  • elizebeths brother died

    elizebeths brother eleazar past away
  • elizebeth was told by her father that he wished that she was a boy

    her father rudly commeted "i wish that you were a boy
  • elizebeth decided to prove her father rong

  • elizebeth diecided to learn to ride horses

    elizebeth diecided to learn to ride horses
    this was elizebeths way of getting atention
  • Elizabeth Cady married abolitionist Henry Brewster Stanton

    elizebeth married Henry Brewster Stanton
  • womens rights convention at seneca falls

    elizebeth read the declaration of womens rights that her friends made up
  • elizebeth cady staton died

    at three pm elizebeth cady stanton died
  • womens right became a law