Eddie Koiki Mabo

  • Eddie Mabo was born

    when he was born, his mother died and he was adopted by his aunt and uncle. This was whom he got the name Mabo from.
  • Period: to

    Working for their rights...

    Eddie Mabo was positioned as secretary at the aboriginal and torres strait islander advancement league, but then left this position as he felt that some of the people were insincere.
  • Working for the council of Townsville

    the same year he left his other job, he got another job as president at the all black council indigenous people.
  • How he became an activist

    while working at the James Cook University, after not being let back into his land to see his father, he found out that he does not own the land that he lived on back where he grew up, and he wanted to change this.
  • He became a teacher

    He studied his diploma of teaching at James Cook University (back in this time it was called Townsville University)
  • Fighting for His land

    the case of land rights opened and eddie mabo was fighting for Aboriginal people. He tried to join the Australian institute of Aboriginal studies in land administration, in attempt to abolish the unfair land rights, but was rejected so the Queensland government made the Queensland coast islands declamatory act.
  • Period: to

    The court case continues...

    He was still fighting for his land and his hearing for the land rights was still awaiting to be approved.
  • Eddie Koiki Mabo Dies

    he died during treatment for cancer
  • Native Title is a part of Australian Law

    Australia was announced terra nulls. The land belonging to no-one.