Ernest nagel

Ernest Nagel

  • Ernest Nagel Born

    Born in the town of Nové Mesto nad Váhom, in a part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire that has since become Slovakia
  • Emmigration to the US

    Once he turned 10 years old, Nagel's family migrated to the United States. It wasn't until Nagle turned 19 that he recieved full citizenship.
  • College and Higher Education

    In 1923, Ernest earned himself a Bachelors of Science from the City College of New York. Afterwards he would go on to finish his doctorate in the field of philosophy.
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    Main Career

    After having spent a decade in the New York Public School System, Ernest would go on to spend the vast majority of his career at Columbia University. Here, he became the first John Dewey Professor of Philosophy (a title that indicated his teaching method was that of John Dewey, wherein students are highly interactive and have a fluid, individualized curriculum). In 1967, Nagel would attain the title of, University Professor at Columbia, their most prestigious rank available.
  • Primary Contribution to Science

    Whilst serving as a John Dewey Professor, Ernest would make his most substantial endowment to the science community in the form of his book, The Structure of Science. It was meant to convince the reader that natural and social sciences hold the same weight and that a unified approach could be used in their study. Wikipedia Contributors. “John Dewey.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 5 June 2020, Accessed 8 June 2020.
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    His book, The Structure of Science, would go on to receive much critical acclaim in the academic world. Eventually, it would be come both a staple in classes, and a classic in the field. This was done by establishing his 4 methods of scientific explanation. “Ernest Nagel | Encyclopedia.Com.” Encyclopedia.Com, 2020, Accessed 8 June 2020.