Creepy sun

Early years of Cinema Timeline

  • Phenakistascope

    Joseph Plateau and sons introduce the Phenakistoscope. (I hope I spelled that right)
  • Zoetrope

    The Zoetrope was introduced by William Horner. The Zoetrope was the same as the Phenakistoscope but instead of discs the pictures and slots are in a drum.
  • Praxinoscope

    Emile Reynaud expands on his praxinoscope by using mirrors and a lantern.
  • George Eastman and the Kodak

    George Eastman and the Kodak
    George Eastman devises a still camera which produces photographs on paper which he sells using the name Kodak.
  • Black maria built

    Black maria built
    Edison and Dickson build a studio on the grounds of Edison's laboratories in New Jersey, to produce films for their kinetoscope.
  • Edison made first picture with Kinetoscope

    Edison made first picture with Kinetoscope
    In October of 1894, Edison's Kinetoscope made its debut in London.
  • First film shot with Cinematographe camera

    First film shot with Cinematographe camera
    The first film shot with the Cinématographe camera Workers leaving the Lumière factory at Lyon.
  • Lumiere Brother's films

    Lumiere Brother's films
    The Lumière brothers sent a guy from their company to London and started a successful chain of Cinématographe films.
  • American Mutoscope Company popularity

    American Mutoscope Company popularity
    By 1897 the American Mutoscope Company become the most popular film company in America.
  • Voyage to the Moon

    Voyage to the Moon
    Georges Méliès produces his "Voyage to the Moon", The film used special effect techniques and introduced color to the screen through hand-painting and tinting.
  • 35mm format

    Began making films in the 35mm format rather that the 70mm which boosted sales in movie industry
  • The great train robbery movie

    The great train robbery movie
    first film to have a story and a "stunt"