Early Hominids

  • Australopithecus afarensis

    Australopithecus afarensis
    Australopithecus Afarensis or "southern ape" lived about 3 million years ago. They were only 3 feet tall, but alked on two legs. No tools were found from this species. since these apes could walk on two legs that means they are bipedal that makes it easier to carry items.
  • homo habilis

    homo habilis
    Homo Habilis lived 1.5 million years ago. This species did not migrate, but stayed in Africa. Homo Habilis was about 4 feet tall. That’s about a foot taller than Australopithecus Afarenesis. This is the first species to make tools, and they made a simple cutting tool from a rock. Their brains are twice the size of Australopithecus aferensis
  • homo erectus

    homo erectus
    Homo erectus, or upright man, lived 200,000 years ago. This species did migrate. They migrated from Africa to Europe and Asia. Being 5 ½ feet tall was an advantage. Homo erectus was the firs to discover fire. The reason this species made it to far is because they could run and walk better because they were fully upright
  • homo sapiens

    homo sapiens
    Homo Sapien means “wise men”. They lived 30,000 years ago and were 5 feet tall. Homo Sapiens made more advanced tools such as knives, scrapers, and spear points. This species is the first to bury their dead. The ability to hunt in groups is important because you can cover a larger areas.
  • homo sapien sapien

    homo sapien sapien
    Homo Sapien Sapiens are considered "doubly wise men". Homo Sapien Sapiens lived from 30,000 to 12,000. This species migrated even farther from Africa to Asia, Europe, and even Australia through land bridges. Homo Sapien Sapiens are 6 feet tall and invented the spear thrower and the bow and arrow. Homo sapien sapiens were the first to make clothing. Also, the ability to catch fish is key to survival.