Early Federal Period

  • Pilgrim Code of Law

    The pilgrim code of law was the first covenant or basically the first form of government. formed a higher end and governors and people in charge. those higher ups were chosen by the people and voted on
  • First U.S. Currency issued

    First issued paper money, but just like todays day, there was criminals who would make counterfeit copys of money
  • Postal Service established

    Congress established the Postal Service on September 22, initially requiring the first Postmaster General to report to the President through the Secretary of the Treasury.
  • Declaration of Independence

    On June 10, 1776, the Continental Congress appointed a committee of John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Robert Livingston, and Roger Sherman to draft a document expressing the intent of the 13 colonies to declare independence as states.
  • Articles of Confederation

    On June 11, 1776, the Second Continental Congress established a committee of representatives from each colony to establish a confederated government for the United States. The Articles of Confederation established a weak government
  • The Treasury System was reorganized

    On September 26, the Continental Congress created an Auditor, Office of Comptroller, Office of Treasurer and two Chambers of Accounts. A committee was also selected to design the Seal of the Treasury.
  • Virginia Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom

    First introduced in the Virginia state legislature in 1777, the Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom barred the establishment of religious tests for public office as well as any compelled participation in, or subsidization of, religious enterprises.
  • Constitution of the United States

    The Constitutional Convention, which met in Philadelphia on May 14, 1787, was originally tasked with amending the Articles of Confederation to make them workable, since the existing confederation was too weak to protect members from foreign invaders and too ineffectual to preserve the union.
  • Federalist Papers

    Published under the penname “Publius,” the Federalist Papers comprise 85 essays authored by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, to persuade New York citizens to support the Constitution’s ratification.
  • Bill of Rights

    Pursuant to Article V of the United States Constitution, Congress proposed and the states ratified the first 10 amendments now known as the Bill of Rights.
  • Federal Judiciary Act

    Signed into law on September 24, 1789, the Federal Judiciary Act established the structure and jurisdiction of federal courts, matters that Article III of the United States Constitution left unaddressed. The Federal Judiciary Act established a structural model that, with slight modifications, still thrives today.
  • The Fifth Act of Congress

    On July 31, Congress established the United States Customs Service.
  • Department of the Treasury established

    On September 2, President Washington approved of Congress’s proposal to create the Department of the Treasury. The Treasury Department is the second oldest department in the federal government.
  • First U.S. veterans pension law

    The first United States veterans pension law was approved during the first session of the U.S. Congress for invalid Revolutionary War soldiers on September 29, 1789.
  • The Bill of Rights Approved

    On December 15, 1791, Articles Three–Twelve, having been ratified by the required number of states, became Amendments 1–10 of the Constitution.