Early American Civilizations

  • 30,000 BCE

    Land bridges join North America and Asia

    Land bridges join North America and Asia
    Natural land bridges formed when water levels dropped during the Ice Age.
  • 10,000 BCE

    Land bridges disappear

    The land bridge was covered with water once again, leaving hunters and gatherers in the Americas.
  • 7000 BCE

    Planting begins

    People started planting around in what is now central Mexico.
  • Period: 1300 BCE to 400 BCE

    The Olmec Civilization

    The Olmec people lived along the Gulf Coast of what is now southern Mexico.
  • Period: 800 BCE to 100 BCE

    The Adena People

    The Adena people, one of the first Mound Builders, lived along the Ohio River.
  • Period: 300 BCE to 909

    The Mayans

    The Mayan culture existed in what is now southern Mexico and Guatemala.
  • Period: 100 BCE to 500

    The Hopewell Mound Builders

    The Hopewell Mound Builders lodged along the Ohio River.
  • Period: 200 to 1300

    The Anasazi

    The Anasazi culture emerged in the Southwest in the Four Corners area (where Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona meet).
  • 1000

    The Cahokia

    The Cahokia
    The Cahokia lived along the Mississippi River.
  • 1100

    The Aztecs

    The Aztecs
    The Aztecs settled in the Valley of Mexico.
  • Period: 1400 to 1572

    The Incas

    The Incas established their empire in southern Peru.