Drug Trafficking

By treyluc
  • Drug Abuse

    President Nixon identifies drug abuse as a national threat. Nixon called for a national anti-drug policy.
  • Drug War Begins

    President Nixon calls for a war on drugs
  • DEA

    Nxon creates the Drug Enforcement Administration to cordinate all other agencies.
  • Madelline Massacre

    Police seixe 600 kilograms of cocaine on a small plane killing 40 people, also was the largest seizure to date.
  • Decriminalxation of Maraijuana

    Jimmy Carter (former georgia gov.) campaigns for president on a platform that includes decriminalizing marijuana ending criminal penalties for possession of up to 1 ounce.
  • Just Say No

    Nancy Reagan launched her "Just Say No' Anti drug campaign.
  • Hit List

    Colombia extradites drug traffickers to the united states for the first time. U.S. officals discover that the Medellin cartel has a "hit list' that includes embassy members, their families, U.S. businessmen and journalists.
  • 1.7 billion

    Reagan signs the Anti- Drug Abuse Act of 1986, witch appropriates 1.7 billion dollars to fight the drug war.
  • Death Threats

    After recieving personal threats from drug traffickers, the justices on the Colobian Supreme Court rule by a vote of 13-12 to annul the extradition treaty with the United States.

    President Clinton signs the North American Free Trade Agreement NAFTA which increases the amount of trade and traffic across the U.S. Mexican Border.