Donald Trump timeline

By Jason.G
  • Trump graduates from college

    Trump started his college education at Fordham University in 1964, but transferred and graduated from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania in 1968. Trump graduated with a B.S. in Economics. He brags about his Ivy League Education and says he's "like a really smart person." Ostroy, Andy. “ Is This Why Trump Won’t Release His College Transcripts?”11, January 2016 Accessed on 24, October 2016
  • Trump loses $$$

    Trump loses $$$
    In 1995 Trump claimed he lost over 900 million dollars. His losses allowed him to not pay any taxes on his income until he made back his losses which is legal. Trump also manipulates laws in his favor when his businesses claim bankruptcy. His businesses are allowed to file for bankruptcy and continue to run limiting Trump's debt. Chain, Alvin. “How Donald Trump may have avoided 18 years of federal taxes, explained with a simple cartoon” 2, October 2016. Accessed on 24, October 2016.
  • Donald Trump Announces he's running for president

    Trump reads a speech claiming that he is running for president at a press conference. Trump also speaks on what he wants to change in America. Including his reforms both abroad and at home to fight terrorists and bring home jobs. Trump will make America great again!
    Donald Trump Presidential Announcement Full Speech 6/16/15 | Donald J. Trump For President Youtube uploaded by Donald Trump for President June 16, 2015
  • Trump selects his VP

    Trump selects his VP
    Trump selected Republican Mike Pence as his running mate. Pence and Trump are on the ticket together versus the Democratic Clinton and Kaine duo in the 2016 Presidential Election. Pence was the governor of Indiana and Trump chose him instead of other politicians to help him gain a majority in the polls and potentially win the election. We learned of Trumps decision via his twitter. Editors. Donald’s tweet about his VP choice The website Accessed on 21, October 2016.
  • Trump is nominated

    Trump's campaign has been successful and he has secured the GOP's nomination for president beating foes such as Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. Trump steps one step closer to being president and is about to face his hardest opponent Clinton. Until November he will debate and campaign head to head against Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
    Henderson, Barney. "Republican National Convention Diary Day 2: Donald Trump Formally Nominated as 2016 Presidential Candidate." The Telegraph 19 July 2016.