Domestic and Foreign Policies

  • Supply-side Economics/Reaganomics (Domestic)

    Reagan wanted to reduce taxes which would motivate people to work harder and make the economy grow. Reducing taxes also meant that he havd to reduce federal spening on programs and decided to remove government control over industry.All of Reagan's reformations lead to recession, unemployment rates increasing, over seas competiiton increased. Later on, America's economy had recovred from the downfall, inflation decreased and the Gross National Product expanded.
  • Glasnot and Perestroika (Foreign)

    Gorbachev pursued Glasnot "a new openess" and Perestroika which would help reform the Soviet's system by democratizing both economic and political systems.
    This event lead to Gorbachev and Reagan meeting to sign a nuclear arms pact and negotiate a START I Treaty that limited the number of nuclear weapons in the world.
  • Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (Domestic)

    This act is important because it will hopefully stop the flow of illegal immigrants coming into the US. It affects the US because when the illegal immigrants are caught and the employers are penalized for hiring illegal immigrants, this opens up more jobs to Americans and legal immmigrants.
  • Family Medical Leave Act (Domestic)

    This act is important because it guaranteed most-full time employees 12 workweeks of unpaid leave each year for medical reasons (pregnancy/birth of newborrn, serious illness, or care for immediate family members with one). This act still continues today and allows full time workers to be able to take leave for personal medical reasons while getting paid until they are managed to go back to work in a healthy condition.
  • Brady Bill Act (Domestic)

    The Brady Bill Act was a gun-control act passed by Congress. This act is important to reassure Americans that they are safe from harms way. During the 90s, there was a lot of violence occuring including the Columbine High School Massacre. The act still affects America today, with even more controvery on the topic of gun violence and gun control. The act is intended to obtain strict rules on who can buy and conceal a weapon.
  • North America Free Trade Agreement (Foreign)

    The agreement is important because it it remove trade restrictions among the US, Canada, and Mexico. This affected the US by promoting economic growth, reduced price, increase exports, and encourage economic investments.
  • Violence Against Women Act (Domestic)

    The Act was important because it brought justice and proteciton to the victim of domestic abuse. This affects the US by preventing domestic abuse from happening and continuing to happen. It also holds men accountable for their abusive actions and prosecute them for it.
  • Bush Declares "War on Terrorism" (Foreign)

    Bush Declares "War on Terrorism" (Foreign)
    The 9//11 attacks in America killed more than 3,000 Americans had shaken America's power and safety. This attack lead Bush to focus on fighting terrorism in the world. After 9/11, Bush demanded that the Tailiban turn bin Laden over to the U.S. custody in which they refused to do. Bush sent in troops along with other allies to fight against terrorism and managed to capture al Oaeda's leaders.
  • Patriot Act

    This act was important so that the law enforcement would have more access to monitor suspected terrorists and be able to deport aliens who are associated with terrorist groups. This act affects the US by protecting Americans by monitoring terrorism and prevent more terrorist attacks from happening.
  • No Child Left Behind Act (Domestic)

    The act was important because it held schools accountable by penalizing those tht did not reach federal performance standards. This affected America's schools by improving teacher quality and making information about schools more readily available to parents.
  • Department of Homeland Security (Domestic)

    Bush created this after the 9/11 attacks to prevent future terrorist attacks. The Department of Homeland Secutiry helped coordinate domestic security matters throughout several federal, state, and local agencies. This helped Americans feel more safe with extra precautions.
  • Invasion of Iraq (Foreign)

    To continue with his "War on Terrorism", Bush decided to invade Iraq
  • Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act

    This act repealed the 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' act which prohibited gays and lesbians from serving openly in the military. This is important that this act was repealed because it discriminated against gays and lesbians and showed that discriminating was okay (which is not). This affects the US by allowing the LGBTQ+ to partake in serving in the military openly and having the same right that heterosexuals have.
  • New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty

    This treaty is important because it was an agreement with Russia to reduce emphasis on nuclear weapons in the U.S. and Russia’s deterrence strategies