Dian fossey

Dian Fossey

  • Dian Fossey is born

    Dian Fossey is born
    Dian Fossey was born.
  • Dian Fossey went to high school.

    Dian Fossey went to high school.
    Dian Fossey went to high school.
  • Dian fossey meets her mentor Louis Leaky

    Dian fossey meets her mentor Louis Leaky
    When Louis first met Dian he called her "another bothersome tourist"
  • Dian meets Jane Goodall for the firt time in Tanzania.

    Dian meets Jane Goodall for the firt time in Tanzania.
    Dian met her when Jane was recruited by Louis Leaky.
  • Period: to

    Digit the Gorillas liifespan

    Dian meets digit in 1965 and then dies 12 years later in 1977
  • Dian Fossey moved away from California.

    Dian Fossey moved away from California.
    Dian Fossey finally moved away from california and moved Louisville, Kentucky
  • Dian Fossey leaves for Tanzania which is in Africa

    Dian Fossey leaves for Tanzania which is in Africa
    Dian leaves for Tanzania to continue her study of animals but especially gorillas.
  • Dian leaves Tanzania for Rwanda

    Dian leaves Tanzania for Rwanda
    Dian leaves Tanzania because of the civil war that was going on back then.
  • Dian met Digit her favorite gorilla.

    Dian met Digit her favorite gorilla.
    Dian met Digit the gorilla who liked to play with dians hair and hit her with leaves.
  • Digit the Gorilla dies

    Digit the Gorilla dies
    Dian Fosseys favorite gorilla dies.
  • Dian Fossey started a national gorilla fund.

    Dian Fossey started a national gorilla fund.
    Dian Fossey created it in honor of protecting the gorillas. Also it was originally called the digit fund.
  • The Digit Fund is changed to the DFGF

    The Digit Fund is changed to the DFGF
    The DFGF stands for the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund it was changed after Digit the Gorilla and Dian Fossey died.
  • Dian Fossey was killed.

    Dian Fossey was killed.
    Dian Fossey was killed by two machete hits to the head and face.