
Demetri Infant

  • Demetri is born!

    Demetri is born!
    The day Demetri was born.
  • Period: to

    Phonological Milestone: 0-2 months

    Demetri accomplished his first phonological milestone when he was born. This being producing sounds unintentionally. For example he was able to cry, he made gurling sounds, he coughed, and he sneezed. Then around the age of 2 months Demetri started cooing and gooing.
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    Pragmatic Milestone: 0-2 months

    When Demetri was around 2 months of age he was able to notice the difference between strangers and his mom and dad. When his aunt came to see him for the first time he looked puzzled as she tried to pick him up. He looked towards his mom and started crying.
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    Semantic Milestone: 0-2 months

    Demetri accomplished his first semantic milestone before the age of 2 months. This being him looking for the source of sounds, for example looking around while the tv was playing, as well as being startled by loud sounds.
  • 4-6 Months

    4-6 Months
    Demetri has achieved new phonological, semantic and pragmatic milestones at 4-6 months.
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    Phonological Milestone: 4-6 months

    A phonological milestone that Demetri reached was producing vowel sounds and vowel glides. Demetri demonstrated these skills when he started making vowel sounds when interacting with his mom.
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    Pragmatic Milestone: 4-6 months

    A pragmatic milestone that Demetri reached was recognizing his name. This was shown when Demetri started to turn his head as a response to his name.
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    Semantic Milestone: 4-6 months

    A semantic milestone that Demetri reached was understanding no. This was shown when he reached out to pull on his mom's hair and stopped when she said no.
  • 8-10 Months

    8-10 Months
    Infants are gaining an increased control of motor skills, learning balance and posture, and more. Image link
  • Period: to

    Phonological Milestone: 8-10 Months

    A phonological milestone that Demetri exhibited includes both reduplicated (babbling that repeats consonant-vowel pairs) and variegated babbling also known as nonreduplicated babbling (babbling that does not repeat consonant-vowel pairs). Right around 8 months Demetri was saying "ma ma", which is reduplicated babbling as well as other sounds in sequence like "ba, ga. da" which is variegated babbling.
  • Period: to

    Semantic Milestone: 8-10 Months

    A semantic milestone Demetri exhibited is that he looks in the correct place for an object that's out of sight. A good example is shown in this video. Demetri had a similar situation when his dad took away one of the toy rings and hid it behind his back. Demetri then turned to look toward that direction multiple times. This is important because he understands the object is gone from his immediate sight, but is in fact still somewhere in the room with him.
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    Pragmatic Milestone: 8-10 Months

    A pragmatic milestone Demetri exhibited is the use of intentional communication. Intentional communication is seen when an infant shows clear intent with a communication partner. For example, Demetri looked at the toy he couldn't reach on top of a high shelf and then looked to his mother and made eye contact. When his message wasn't received, he pointed at the toy and made eye contact with his mom again and said "da". His mother then understood the message better and gave Demetri the toy.
  • 10-12 Months

    10-12 Months
    Demetri has achieved new language milestones at 10-12 months.
  • Period: to

    Pragmatic Milestone: 10-12 months

    Demetri is using imperative pointing as a request for an adult to get an object for him. Demetri will point to his favorite toy to ask for his toy as he cannot reach for it.
  • Period: to

    Semantic Milestone: 10-12 months

    Demetri has achieved a semantic milestone. Demetri has produced his first word. Demetri will say “mama” when consistently referring to his mommy.
  • Period: to

    Phonological Milestone: 10-12 months

    Demetri has started to use jargon in babbling, he is producing at least two different consonants and vowels, stress and intonation patterns. Due to his use of stress and intonation patterns, Demetri gives the impression that he is having a conversation but there are no recognizable words. This video is an example of how Demetri uses jargon in babbling.