Deadly Tsunamis - Rineta Namani

  • Lisbon, Portugal Tsunami

    Lisbon, Portugal Tsunami
    location: Atlantic Ocean
    magnitude: 7
    death toll:20,000 people
  • Karakota Eruption

    Karakota Eruption
    location: Sundara Strait
    death toll: 36,000 people & destroyed 165 villages
    Caused top of volcano to collapse into ocean, turned into fire
  • Aleutians Earthquake

    Aleutians Earthquake
    location: Hawiian Islands
    magnitude: 9.5
    death toll: 160 people killed
  • Chile Earthquake

    Chile Earthquake
    death toll: 61 people killed
  • Alaska Earthquake

    Alaska Earthquake
    location:Alaska & California
    magnitude: 9.2
    death toll: 130 people killed
    generated into a deadly tsunami
  • Earthquake in the Sea of Japan

    Earthquake in the Sea of Japan
    location: Okushiri Island, Japan
    death toll: 120 people killed
    caused a tsunami
  • Papua New Guinea Tsunami

    Papua New Guinea Tsunami
    Location: North coast region of Papua New Guinea
    magnitude: 7.1
    death toll: 2,100 people killed
    triggered a submarine landslide
  • Sumatra Earthquake

    Sumatra Earthquake
    location: Indian Ocean
    magnitude: 9.1
    death toll: 200 people
    generated tsunami
  • Samoa Earthquake

    Samoa Earthquake
    location: Somoan Islands
    death toll: 200 people killed
    generated tsunami
  • Chile Earthquake

    Chile Earthquake
    location: Chile
    magnitude: 8.8
    death toll:700 people killed
    generated tsunami
  • Japan Earthquake

    Japan Earthquake
    location: Japan
    magnitude: 9.1
    death toll: killed over 20,000 people
    generated a tsunami