Daniel dennett

Daniel Dennett

By nbrophy
  • Birth

    Born in Boston, MA to Ruth Leck and Daniel C. Dennett, Jr. Shook, John R. “Dennett, Daniel Clement, III.” The Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, Vol. 2, Hull, Richard T. A&C Black, 2005, pg. 615-622. Google E-Book.
  • Content and Consciousness

    Wrote his doctoral thesis on the topic of consciousness, which became his first book, Content and Consciousness. Shook, John R. “Dennett, Daniel Clement, III.” The Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, Vol. 2, Hull, Richard T. A&C Black, 2005, pg. 615-622. Google E-Book.
  • Tufts University

    Began working in Philosophy Department at Tufts University in MA. Shook, John R. “Dennett, Daniel Clement, III.” The Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, Vol. 2, Hull, Richard T. A&C Black, 2005, pg. 615-622. Google E-Book.
  • Brainstorms: Philosophical Essays on Mind and Psychology

    Brainstorms: Philosophical Essays on Mind and Psychology
    Published Brainstorms where he discusses the interface between philosophy of mind, cognitive psychology, and artificial intelligence and connects evolution theory to the consciousness. Harman, Gilbert. The Philosophical Review, vol. 89, no. 1, 1980, pp. 115–117. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/2184867. Accessed 5 Feb. 2021.
  • Center for Cognitive Studies

    Became Director of the Center for Cognitive Studies at Tufts University. Shook, John R. “Dennett, Daniel Clement, III.” The Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, Vol. 2, Hull, Richard T. A&C Black, 2005, pg. 615-622. Google E-Book.
  • Consciousness Explained

    Consciousness Explained
    This book presents the idea of the Cartesian Theater, the control center of the brain, in which consciousness is recognized. Also, he proposes a Multiple Drafts Model, the idea that the brain is composed of subsystems that are all connected. Lowengrub, Daniel. “Book Review: Consciousness Explained” Daniel Lowengrub, 08 Feb. 2020, https://www.daniellowengrub.com/blog/2020/02/08/consciousness-explained.
  • Darwin's Dangerous Idea

    Published the book in which he evaluates and promotes Darwin’s theory of evolution and presents an argument for evolution via natural selection over the idea of a divine process. He describes his view of an algorithmic process that he uses to explain the evolution of both physical and mental, or cognitive, attributes. The Atheism Tapes - Daniel Dennett - Darwin's Dangerous Idea
  • Kinds of Minds

    This book takes a deeper look at Dennett’s ideas regarding evolution, consciousness and the thought processes of animals and AI. He looks at this from an evolutionary perspective, breaking down the development of humans and animals from the beginning of life to today. “Kinds of Minds.” Basic Books, 28 Jan. 2021, www.basicbooks.com/titles/daniel-c-dennett/kinds-of-minds/9780786723621/.
  • Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon

    Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon
    Dennett reviews his ideas of religion and how they can be viewed from a scientific approach, particularly evolution. While maintaining a Darwinian perspective, he seeks to understand the origin of extremist views of religion and how human culture was and is being impacted due to religious beliefs. Rachlin, Howard. “Cui bono? A review of breaking the spell: religion as a natural phenomenon by Daniel C. Dennett.” Journal of the experimental analysis of behavior vol. 87,1 (2007): 143-9.
  • Intuition Pumps and Other Tools for Thinking

    Dennett combines material from his other books along with his approach to philosophy to instruct readers how to use different tools to guide them in thinking patterns, referring to first hand examples of more difficult problems to emphasize his points. O’Loughlin, Ian. “Review of ‘Intuition Pumps and Other Tools for Thinking.’” Essays in Philosophy, vol. 18, no. 2, 2017, doi:10.7710/1526-0569.1587.
  • From Bacteria to Bach and Back: The Evolution of Minds

    Dennett’s most recent book starts with discussing the very beginning of life on earth and ties evolution into discoveries in biology and computer science, evaluating how humans could have moved away from acting solely based on genetic instinct and developed the ability to comprehend their environments and interactions. “From Bacteria to Bach and Back: The Evolution of Minds.” Good Reads, www.basicbooks.com/titles/daniel-c-dennett/kinds-of-minds/9780786723621/.