
Daniel Boone by:Lance and Dakota

  • Birth of Daniel Boone

    Birth of Daniel Boone
    Daniel Boone was born on this day
  • DB travel

    DB travel
    Daniel boone brought a group of settlers to Kentucky
  • DB second travel

    DB second travel
    Henderson sent Boone and 28 settlers across the Cumberland Gap into Kentucky
  • DB captured

    DB captured
    Daniel Boone was captured by Shawnee Indians.
  • Boone 3rd trip

    Boone 3rd trip
    Boone brought more settlers to Kentucky including Abraham Lincoln's Grandmother and Grandfather
  • DB elected

    DB elected
    Boone was elected Legislature of Virginia
  • Boone's Brother Death

    Boone's Brother Death
    Boone's brother Edward and son were killed in later indian attacks
  • Boone book

    Boone book
    Boone's book "Adventures" is puplished
  • DB death

    DB death
    Daniel Boone died of old age