
Dan Carter

By MatasV
  • The birth date and birth place.

    The birth date and birth place.
    He was born 5 March, 1982, in Leeston, New Zealand.
  • When Dan started to play rugby ?

    When Dan started to play rugby ?
    He started to play rugby at 5 years old. He played with Southbridge Rugby Club.
  • When he signed and what was the team he signed ?

    When he signed and what was the team he signed ?
    Carter in 2003 was signed by the Super Rugby side the Crusaders.
  • When he got the biggest contract ?

    In April 2008, Carter was linked with several European clubs, ncluding Stade Toulousain who in April 2008 offered Carter "the biggest rugby contract in world rugby", at £750,000 per year.