Damien's Timeline

  • Period: to

    Eric's life

  • Eric refuses to take take drugs

    Eric was offered and the pressured by his peers to consume illegal drugs. Eric was tempted, but stayed true to what he believed, and he believed this was wrong. He overcame peer pressure and didn't participate. This could be seen as Erickson's stage of identity vs. role confusion. This is an important process of forming a strong identity and sense of direction in your life.
  • Gets divorced

    Eric's wife divorces him after 6 years of marriage. Eric feels lonely and isolated. This can be seen as Erickson's stage of intimacy vs isolation. Loosing an intimate relationship will lead to isolation and will lower self esteem
  • Eric has cancer

    Eric has just been told he has stage 4 cancer. He was given 6 months to live. But instead of feeling scared, Eric feels relief. He feels he has lived a long and meaningful life. He has helped many people, and in his own way, made the world a better place.This is Erickson's stage of ego integrity vs. despair. Eric feels content with his life he displays integrity in his last days