Da Cold War

  • Sepoy Revolt of 1857

    Sepoy Revolt of 1857
    Indian(Hindu) soldiers started the moment of Indian Independence from the British when they were forced to chew off bullet wrappers made of cow. As eating cows was against their religion, the soldiers began a revolt, which soon spread to all over India.
  • Balfour Declaration

    Balfour Declaration
    British government commended itself to the support of a homeland for Jews in Palestine.
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    Conflict between Jews and Palestineans

    ( History of Palestine )Conflict over Israel
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    Black Nationalist Movement

    ( I Have a Dream )See Feminist movement, but for black people. However, much less focused on communist ideology and more on peaceful resistance, such as that of India’s independence movement.
  • War between arabs and Jews

    The jews embarked on a course of violent resistanceto the British for self rule and open immigration.
  • the French recaptured Saigon and much of southern Vietnam.

    the French recaptured Saigon and much of southern Vietnam.
    The French had to retake the north brutally, bombing Hanoi. They killed at least 10 thousand civilians.
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    Communist insurgency in the Philippines

    several peasant militias and aiding the stronghold local troops under the Philippine Commonwealth military fighting against the Empire of Japan and later the government of the Philippines. Eventually these groups embraced communism. The ideology of the rebels has changed over the years. Until 1968, they were predominantly pro-Soviet in nature. However, after 1968, due to the Sino-Soviet Split, they sided with China and became Maoists.
  • Chinese Civil War resumed between Communist and Nationalist forces

    1946: January: Chinese Civil War resumed between Communist and Nationalist forces.
  • The Creation of East Germany

    The Creation of East Germany
    The Soviet Union wanted to spread Communism in Eastern Europe and create a "buffer zone" of friendly governments as defense against Germany. In 1946, with Eastern Europe under Soviet control and influence, Europe was divided into a West (western democracies and the United States) bloc and East (Soviet Union and Soviet occupied territory) bloc. An "iron curtain" separated Europe.
  • The Marshall Plan

    The Marshall Plan
    The Marshall Plan was put into effect in order to stop the Russians from influencing any of the weakened western powers. During the time the United States sent massive economic aid to Europe democracies to help rebuild. Billions of dollars were spent to help countries recover quickly and to reduce the influence of Communism. This plan helped to restore West Germany and rebuild it as a new ally in America's fight against Russia.
  • Establishment of North and South Korea

    Establishment of North and South Korea
    The superpowerswere unable to agree ona framework for the reunification of the country, so in 1948 they consented to the establishment of two seperate Korean states.
  • Creation of Israel

    Creation of Israel
    The jews in Palestine proclaimed the creation of the independent state of Israel. This started the long line of conflicts
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    Berlin Blockade

    Russia's response to the merger of the French, USA and UK partitions of Berlin was to cut all road and rail links to that sector. This meant that those living in Western Berlin had no access to food supplies and faced starvation. Food was brought to Western Berliners by US and UK airplanes, known as the Berlin Airlift.
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    Women's Rights Movement

    ( 1960's Feminism )This period of time roughly represents the hight of the feminist movement in the U.S.Inspired by texts likeThe Second Sex(1949, Simone de Beauvoir) and The Feminine Mystique(1963, Betty Friedan), both of which laid bare the unhappiness of women under capitalist America. Momentum for this movement had reached it's height during the World Wars, but can be traced all the way back to the French Revolution.
  • Formation of NATO

    Formation of NATO
    Nato is formed, an alliance between capitalist countries in the Northern Atlantic region. Further strengthened the divide between east and west Europe.
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    East Germans leave for West Germany

    By 1961 the communist East German state was suffering from the loss of refugees who wanted to live life in capitalist West Germany. Between 1949 and 1961, 3.5 million east germans left to flee to West Germany.
  • The Creation of West Germany

    As cooperation between the US and the Soviet Union broke down, the US, British, and French zones came together to form the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) in May 1949.
  • Mao Zedong takes control

    1949: September -- Mao Zedong, a Communist, takes control of China
  • Beginning of Korean war

  • North Korea strikes against South Korea

    North Korea sends 100,000+ troops across the 38th parallel.
  • North Korea captures the South Korean capital, Seoul

  • US and UN push North Korea back to Pyongyang

  • North Korea pushes South Korea back

    North Korea pushes South Korea back
    300,000 Chinese soldiers push South Korea back to the 38th Parallel
  • North and South Korea agree to a ceasefire

    No peace treaty was signed.
  • The Viet Minh defeated the French at their fortress in Dien Bien Phu.

    The Viet Minh defeated the French at their fortress in Dien Bien Phu.
  • SEATO (South East Asian Treaty Organization) Established

    SEATO (South East Asian Treaty Organization) Established
    ( Domino Theory )1955- Formation of the Warsaw Treaty Organization, a military alliance between communist aligned countries in Eastern Europe. Based on Nixon's dominoe theory, the idea that if one country fell to communism, all those around it would too.
  • The Bandung Conferrence

    The Bandung Conferrence
    A meeting between many African and Asian countries to discuss an alternative to choosing a side in the Cold War. This led to the formation of the Nonaligned Movement. This movement would ultimately fail to become a solid third party in global politics, as its members were too opposed, and, in many cases, offered unofficial support to one of the two superpowers. It did, however, succeed somewhat in terms of allowing many developing countries to resist becoming pawns of the superpowers.
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    Kruschev's Premiership

    During this time, Kruschev was Premier of Russia. Kruschev was responsible for the reformation of communism, focusing on balanced economic growth and moving away from rule through terror. A much less radical form of commnism, similar to what was going on in the U.S. at the time.
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    Castro is prime ministre

    Fidel Castro is elected Prime minister of Cuba and is pro-communist. Prime Minister of Cuba from 1959 to 1976,
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    Reign of Fidel Castro

    Commander in Chief of the country's armed forces from 1959 to 2008.First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba from 1961 until 2011. Secretary-General of the Non-Aligned Movement, from 1979 to 1983 and from 2006 to 2008. served a year's imprisonment in 1953 after a failed attack on the Moncada Barracks
  • The Kitchen Debate

    The Kitchen Debate
    The Kitchen Debate, an intense debate between Nixon and Kruschev over the pros and cons of capitalism and communism. The state of women, socio/economic norms, and cultural doctrine were all discussed. Interestingly enough, both sides had started moving towards the middle, with the U.S. practicing wellfare and the USSR moving away from reign through terror.
  • Vietnamese nationalists formed the National Liberation Front

    Vietnamese nationalists formed the National Liberation Front
    They formed the front in order to fight for freedom against south Vietnamese rule.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    October crisis in Cuba and the Caribbean crisis in USSR. Cuba holds missiles for the Soviet Union during nuclear arms race. the moment in which the Cold War came closest to turning into a nuclear conflict. Nikita Khrushchev had the idea of placing Soviet nuclear missiles on Cuba
  • President Lyndon Johnson ordered a bombing campaign against North Vietnam

    President Lyndon Johnson ordered a bombing campaign against North Vietnam
    He also sent US ground troops to augment the south vietnamese army. The best the United States and South Vietnam could achieve was a draw.
  • Four Power Agreement Berlin

    Four Power Agreement Berlin
    The four power agreement made between Russia, the US, Britain and France reconfirmed the rights and responsibilities with regard to Berlin. It also reestablished ties between the two parts of Berlin, improved travel and communications between the two parts of the city and brought many improvements for the residents of the Western Sectors.
  • China fights democracy

    1989: June -- China puts down protests for democracy
  • Fall of Berlin Wall

    Fall of Berlin Wall
    The fall of the Berlin Wall and the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 marked the complete end of the Cold War. It was greatly significant to the Berlin people, particularly those in East Berlin, because when the wall went up, it cut off East Berliners' only chance of escape to a better life apart from Communistic rule. West Berlin was quickly becoming one of the best European cities once again, while East Berlin had gone downhill drastically. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szjFKADu69U