CW and Reconstruction Timeline Project

  • Compromise of 1850

    The Compromsie called for California to be admitted as a free state, and for the territories won from Mexico to be able to decide to be free or slave for themselves.
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    Innovations in weapons technology

    In the 1850s new weapon technologies were getting better, and more deadly. An example of new weapons were better rifles that could shoot farther, and ironclads. Ironclads were steamboats covered with metal so that projectiles and cannons couldn't damage them.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    The Kansas Nebraska act split a large territory into 2, Kansas and Nebraska. It was decided that they could hold elections to decide wether or not they would become free or slave states.
  • The Dred Scott Decision

    Dred scott went to court, claiming that his master made him live in a free state, there fore he should be free. The court ruled that he was not a citizen so had no right to go court. It was ruled that he was still a slave and the missouri compromise line was unconstitutional.
  • The election of 1860

    Lincoln won 40% of the national popular vote and he won all the northern state's electoral college votes. This made the south panic and eventually secede from the union, since Lincolns name wasn't even on most of the voter ballots in the south.
  • Different strategies

    The north and the south both had different plans for winning the war. These plans would come into play latter in the battle of bull run.
  • The Battle Of Bull Run

    This was one of the first battles that started the civil war. it was an early victory for the confederacy, and proved to the Union that they were a force to be reckoned with.
  • southern states secede

    Lincoln becomes president and the South is not happy because they expected him to abolish slavery. Lincoln makes it illegal to secede from the Union. 1861
  • Begining defeates for the union

    Robert Anderson and Union soldiers were surrounded by confederates and starving. President Lincoln sent supplies to help the soldiers but the confederacy ambushed and bombarded the soldiers. 1861
  • The Draft For The Civil War

    The Confederacy and The Union started to draft people for the civil war in 1862. However, if you were wealthy enough you could pay a fee of $500 to bypass the draft.
  • The Bloodiest Dat

    General McClellan marched his forces to defend Maryland where the battle of bull run happened. Fortunately one of the union soldiers found Lee's battle plans in a cigar wrapper, the union eventually won, but it was one of the bloodiest battles of the civil war.
  • Paying For The War

    In 1862 the union issued more money to be printed which cause economic hardships and ended up doing more harm than good
  • Grant Vs. Lee

    Grant's campaign to capture Richmond, Virginia was long and took a lot of hard work and determination. However in 1865 Less’s forces fled the city and scorched it, as to not allow Union soldiers to use the supplies in the city.
  • The Abolition of Slavery

    In January 1865 congress passed the 13th amendment, giving slaves and all people of color freedom and the right to vote.
  • Andrew Johnson Takes Over Reconsturction

    In 1865 after Lincoln's assassination Andrew Johnson took over reconstruction. He planned to bring reconstruction to a halt and to stop many reconstruction projects that were supposed to help African Americans.
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    African Americans In Politics And Assimilating Into American Culture

    In the timespan of 1965 through 1877 African Americans started to join political positions and assimilate into American culture.
  • The Civil Rights Act Of 1866

    In 1866 congress proposed the the civil rights bill of 1866, giving full voting rights and equality to every man (regardless of race). Andrew Johnson tried to veto the bill but congress overrode the veto, and the bill was passed.
  • The 15th Amendment

    Was proposed and passed in 1868 and stated that no state could deny a citizen to vote bases off of race. However, many states found a loophole in this amendment and started making literacy test in order to vote. This worked because many black citizens did not know how to read or write.
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    The political power shift

    Republican voters in the south whether they were black or white were discouraged from voting, since they knew that the ku klux klan would attack and kill them if they did.
  • Compromise of 1877

    The compromise of 1877 ended reconstruction in exchange for the republican party nominee to win the election of 1876