• Crabbe got caught with booze

    Crabbe got caught with booze
    Crabbe got caught with a canaster of vodka in his locker by fat ass grant (his gym teacher) when he was under the influence during school hours
  • Period: to


  • Crabbe runs away

    Crabbe runs away
    Franklin Crabbe packs his stuff and drives to the woods to run away from home because he hates being at home
  • Crabbe being mauled by a bear

    Crabbe being mauled by a bear
    Crabbe got mauled by a bear shortly aftre ariving the woods
  • Crabbe got lost

    Crabbe got lost
    Crabbe got lost in the woods and he hadnt come prepaired for this event
  • Crabbe gets picked up by the Truck driver

    Crabbe gets picked up by the Truck driver
    When Crabbe was on his adventure he was picked up by a truck driver because he was hitch hiking.
  • Crabbe tips the canoe

    Crabbe tips the canoe
    Crabbe sits on the wrong side of the canoe and it tips over
  • Crabbe meets Mary

    Crabbe meets Mary
    During Crabbe`s adventure through the woods, he meets a girl named Mary who also has her reasons for hiding, which is the fact that she killed her own husband and she`s wanted, so she`s hiding from the cops
  • Mary gives Crabbe the pipe

    Mary gives Crabbe the pipe
    Mary give Crabbe a pipe to test Crabbe with her trust to se if he is trust worthy enough to have her trust
  • Crabbe almost died

    Crabbe almost died
    Crabbe almost died by almnost fallingn off a cliff into a waterfall
  • Mary gets raped

    Mary gets raped
    Mary gets raped by the drunk hunters in the cabin while they are trying to steal food and Crabbe sets another cabin on fire as a disctraction to save Mary
  • Mary dies

    Mary dies
    Mary commit`s suicide by jumping off of a cliff because she cant handle the guilt of her killing her own husband and being raped
  • Crabbe gets frostbite

    Crabbe gets frostbite
    Crabbe gets frostbite shortly after Mary`s death
  • Crabbe`s in the hospital

    Crabbe`s in the hospital
    Crabbe went to the hospital because he got frost bite on his hands and feet and as days progresed it got worse and worse and he lost two fingers
  • Crabbe goes home

    Crabbe goes home
    Crabbe has had enough of the being lost, running away, and not being with his parents. he finally goes home and his accept him for who he is
  • Crabbe is okay

    Crabbe is okay
    Crabbe is doing fine now, he has a job, he made a new friend from his work, and they are good friends. They go jogging/running together sometimes to get fit or just for the hell of it