W01 07110168

CPUSH Barnes

  • Japan invades Manchuria

    Japan invades Manchuria
  • Rape of Nanjing

    Rape of Nanjing
    An example of Japanese atrocity committed on a civilian population where hundreds of thousands of men were slaughtered, while women of all ages were systematically raped and/or killed by Japanese soldiers.
  • Start of the war in Atlantic/European Theater

    Start of the war in Atlantic/European Theater
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
  • U.S. Joins the War

    U.S. Joins the War
  • Bataan Death March

    Bataan Death March
    Forced march of 70,000 U.S. and Filipino prisoners of war (World War II) captured by the Japanese in the Philippines. From the southern end of the Bataan Peninsula, the starving and ill-treated prisoners were force-marched to a prison camp. Only 54,000 prisoners lived to reach the camp; up to 10,000 died on the way and others escaped in the jungle. In 1946 the Japanese commander of the march was convicted by a U.S. military commission and executed.
  • The Battle of El Alamein

    The Battle of El Alamein
    The Battle of El Alamein, fought in the deserts of North Africa, is seen as one of the decisive victories of World War Two. The Battle of El Alamein was primarily fought between two of the outstanding commanders of World War Two, Montgomery, who succeeded the dismissed Auchinleck, and Rommel. The Allied victory at El Alamein lead to the retreat of the Afrika Korps and the German surrender in North Africa in May 1943.
  • Battle of Stalingrand

    Battle of Stalingrand
    The Battle of Stalingrad is considered by many historians to have been the turning point in World War Two in Europe. The battle at Stalingrad bled the German army dry in Russia and after this defeat, the Germany Army was in full retreat
  • D-Day

  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Battle of Iwo Jima
    America tried to capture the island from japan because of its two airfields. The japanese were heavily fortified but the americans had extensive naval and ground support and won the battle. The most significant thing wa the flag raising on mount surabachi.
  • Victory in Europe Day

    Victory in Europe Day
  • Hiroshima bombing

    Hiroshima bombing
  • Nagasaki bombing

    Nagasaki bombing
  • Victory over Japan Day

    Victory over Japan Day
  • The Battle of the Bulge

    The Battle of the Bulge
    The Battle of the Bulge, fought over the winter months of 1944 – 1945, was the last major Nazi offensive against the Allies in World War Two. The battle was a last ditch attempt by Hitler to split the Allies in two in their drive towards Germany and destroy their ability to supply themselves.